Chapter Ten

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 [Unedited right now. Enjoy the lovely gif of Harry on the side. I'm sure it'll make you melt]

Dedicated to @Fatsnacks. 

Snowman: Chapter Ten

Once grabbing the remaining of my things, I took my card from out of the holder and left work without saying another word to the people around me. My day at work finally is over and I couldn't be much happier for that. All I have to do now is pick up Ryder and have to deal with her for the rest of today. 

This first day back at work has been hell. My boss has been complaining and had more then enough people coming in and out. I don't even know how my other two co-workers can even handle Dr. Rodney. His annoying and maybe I shouldn't be saying this about my boss, but how can't I? 

I'm glad that I'm finally home from work and it's even ten times better that Ryder is having a nap along side of me. Picking her up from the day care was easy and she wanted to get out of there just as much as I did, which is a first. She fell instantly asleep on the bus in my arms and I took a nap too, luckily woke up before Ryder did. That would have been a total mess.

I picked Ryder's head up carefully and placed it back on the sofa rather then my leg. I stood up to get something from the fridge and ended up hearing my phone ringing from the table. Only a text message. I didn't bother until after getting a drink and just a yogurt cup. 

From: Harry Styles

Hello Melissa. If your not busy, you could meet me at that park where we firstly met. Only if you like :-)

It took me a second to realize what he was referring too and multiple times did I have to read it over again to see if he sent the message to the wrong person. Stupid me, my name is right in the message. Maybe he knows several Melissa's? I'm not even sure how to even reply to that. I sound like a twelve year old being asked out on there very first date. I'm most definitely not going to ask my Mother what I should do. Since I'm not twelve anymore.

To: Harry Styles

Hi Harry, i'm not busy right now. I hope you don't mind me dragging Ryder along. Meet you at the park in 20. 

As soon as sending the text message, I rushed to only see Ryder still fully asleep on the couch. She's usual in a bad mood once waking her, she's already dressed and I'll just carry her to the bus to wherever else. Putting her up in my hands and trying to put her shoes on her tiny feet, not to mention a warm of a winter jacket. This is going to take forever even to just get to the bus to the park. 

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

"How can you even stand going out in this cold without mittins?"Harry glares down to my hands, that is holding one in another to keep them warm. It's not working and I wish I wasn't in such a rush, then maybe I would have gotten a pair. 

"It's hard to bare the cold, but I'm working on it."I replied and gave Harry a smile, even if I'm not looking towards him where he could see me. It's rude of me, but I'm a little worried to leave my eyes from watching Ryder. She's not even that far from us, just enough for me to look away and her to be gone like that. 

Harry just slaps my hands softly with his gloves, after taking them off his hands. "Here, you can have them. Your hands are much smaller then mine for sure."

"No need to do that for me."As stubborn as I was, I passed them back to Harry. He never took them in return, just stares at me and grins. I groan, knowing that his going to get his way and I'll be forced to wear his huge gloves. "Fine, hand me those damn gloves."

Harry laughs and watches me put the gloves over my cold hands. Good thing Harry and I got coffee, so at least his hands are a little warmer. He drinks his coffee rather slow, while I just drink it like it's water or milk. 

I must say I had a lot more fun then expected to have today with Harry. Him and Ryder seems to get along well, which is great to see. I don't expect much else since Ryder does remember him from the first time at this park and at Mom's supper. Harry told me a fair bit about himself, not enough for me to track his old house in Holmes Chapels but enough for me to handle right now.

He'd ask me a few questions and I tried my best to answer them. No, he didn't get personal or anything. I do enjoy Harry's communion and hopefully we'll keep in touch. I'm sure Harry would much rather some collage girl though, without a child and a desk job. Well, he'd probably wouldn't have invited me to come to the park and get a coffee with him. 

"Do you have any goals in life?"Harry questions and I take the question by surprise. Nor do I think of this question very much, since I don't even remember how to make goals anymore. Whenever I do, they never work out and just fail. 

I hesitant with my answer at first. "Well, I used too. My life hasn't really been ideal for the last couple years, if you understand what I mean?"

Harry just nods, probably not knowing how the reply to that. Not that I blame him. He probably thinks I'm just as messed up as many others believe so. "Life doesn't always go as plan, It's sorta like the board game 'the game of life'. There is twist and turns every now and then."

That was deep.. sorta. Life doesn't go the way you want it to, if it did I'd probably wouldn't be talking about my life right now or even in New York. My dream as a kid was to travel the world; France, Canada, Africa, London and Disney World. I'm just hoping that soon enough I could bring Ryder to one of those places, prefer Disney.

"Your only in collage and you know more then some single Mother."I joked, both of us laughing. Even though that joke sucked. I'm not the best with sense of humour. The least I can do is make Ryder laugh and that's all I need right now.  "I'm getting tried, very tried."

"Maybe you drank that coffee a Little to fast and your energy going down now."He suggested and placed his hand on my shoulder. I turned to face him and smiled, then in came Ryder running towards the two of us. "Did you have fun, Ryder?"

Ryder nods a bunch of times, jumping up in Harry's lap and giving him a tight sneeze. Harry chuckles and kisses her on the head. Just like you'd do to any little girl who's basically on you. "I had so much fun and I hope we have another play-date soon. Please Mama."

I couldn't help but smile at the two of them. Harry gives me the same sad smile as Ryder is bringing off. I can basically hear Harry saying, 'Yeah, please Mama.'

"Of course, we'll have a play-date soon. But it's getting late and we don't want to miss the bus."I say, standing up from the bench and taking Ryder's hand into mine. She jumped down from off Harry's lap and waves to him. 

"I can give you a ride if you'd like?"He offers, just like every guy would. Well any guy whom is nice enough and has a car of his own. "I'm parked not far from here-"

"No, Ryder needs a car seat and it's fine. I'll take a bus."I'm sad to turn down his offer, but I don't want me or Harry to pay a feud for a toddler not being in a baby seat. Lucky enough you don't need them in a bus, as long as theirs an adult holding him or her. "I'll see you soon Harry."

Snowman ✔ harry auWhere stories live. Discover now