Chapter 1: Welcome Back To LA

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 A/n I've started Pokémon X and I named my character Ace and her nickname is Ace Cakes and one of her friends is named Trevor so I win at life.

You might notice some similar things from the first chapter of Say You're Just A Friend and this chapter. I hope some of you see them :)


Hey, I've just landed!

I typed in to my phone, picking up my backpack from the seat in front of me.

From: Jc☁

Finally, I'll meet you by the luggage claim, okay?


The familiar name texted back, as I smiled.

Alright, see you then

okay,  see you in a few

I put my back on my shoulders, and slid my phone in my front pocket. These people are so slow. Like why. Why can't they move faster. I know you're support to let the front row go first, then so on. But why are all these business people slow. Too many shots on the airplane?

About five minutes of thinking about why do they even let you buy shots on an airplane, finally I go to step out of my row and walk to the front of the airplane. Finally.

"Have a wonderful day!" One of the cabin people said to me, with a bright smile. "You too! Can I ask why you sell alcohol on these airplanes?" I asked, before they all laughed at me. "How old are you?" One of the ladies laughed. "Twenty."

 "Then you'll find out when you're twenty one!" The one guy laughed. "Thanks." I said, before walking into the tunnel. Look, last time I've landed in California was when I came to see Sam for a week. And only Sam and his family.

Since I spent around four to five months at camp, all the counselors get to go home for one week of their choosing to go see their family. I chose to go home in October. I think it was around the one month marking period of how long I was gone at camp.

Everyone was gone for Digi Tour. Including almost all of my friends, and Sam. So, I hung out with Tyler -Oakley-, Joey, and Colleen Ballinger -Miranda Sings-.

DID I MENTION I GOT TO FLIM A VIDEO WITH THE TWO QUEENS AND KING OF YOUTUBE?! Yeah, I did. Grace, Mamrie, and Hannah. And at VidCon I was scared to talk to them, and now were friends like what happened to my life?

So I spent three days with the six of them, then Sam surprised me by coming home early to come and see me. It sounds like were getting married or something but were really good friends, swear.

"ACE!" The familiar voices called out, waved their arms at me. "JC!" I screeched, running full speed to him. "I've missed you so much!" I told him, once I was in his arms. "I've missed you so much! The house has been crazy with out you!" Jc said back, squeezing me tight.

"Jc! She can't breath, let go of her! I'm felling left out over here,"

"SAM!" I said, jumping into his arms. "I've missed you so much! Nice lip ring," I've told him the same thing. "Well, it's been three or four months the last time I've saw you! And thank you," Sam told me. "Alright," I said, letting go of Sam. "Let me see your new tattoos. I've only seen them on iChat, and not in person."

They both laughed, before Jc rolled up his sleeve to show his second, and new, tattoo which was a compass and a dream catcher combined. "Oh my gosh, Jc, I love it. And I didn't tell you on iChat, but I love the meaning behind it too. If I got a tattoo it would be similar," I said, as Sam put out his arm facing up.


"Pretty cool, right?" Sam asked, laughing. "Of course, I mean you picked it out. Alright, lets see your other one," I said, pointing to where his other tattoo was.

"But were in an airport,"

"Come on,"

"I don't want to lift up my shirt,"

"Dude. Seriously."

"I'll show you later, okay?" Sam argued, as Jc laughed hard in the background. "Fine," I sighed, before walking over to baggage claim. "I didn't want to see it anyways." I said quietly, making Sam laugh. "You haven't seen the second part of the Hobbit yet, right?" Jc asked, and I returned a frown.

"No, sadly, it wasn't out when I came back from camp for a week, and it came out when I was at camp. I was planning to go to the midnight premiere too." 


"That was such a good movie," I said, as we walked out of The Grove movie theater. "I hated the spiders, though." Sam said, as Jc laughed. "I saw you jump when the dragon-"


"Right, you jumped when, Smaug, came out." Jc reworded, as Sam laughed. "Only because I didn't see him coming. And you jumped too! But Ace didn't even flinch, if anything she was excited."

"I love Lord of The Rings. Sam, you should know this," I smiled, lightly punching him in the arm. "I do know this, and you've read the books at least a hundred times since you were fourteen." Sam laughed, as Jc smiled. "I thought you only liked The Fault in Our Stars," Jc mentioned.

"I do, with all of my heart. But, The Hobbit and the Lord of The Rings I've grown up with. The Fault In Our Stars I've fell in love with in 2012; when it came out. I turn in to a total geek when some one starts talking about Lord of The Rings. I can sum it up in five minutes I've read it so much."

"Geek," Jc laughed, bumping me with his hip into Sam car. "Nerd," I said back, pushing his into the back seat. "I get shotgun,"

"But I wanted shotgun," Jc complained. "But you had it on the way here." I shot back, bringing the seat belt over to the buckle. "But I like shotgun," Jc wined, hitting the back of my head. "Hey!" I said, turning around as Sam started up the car and Jc kicked the back of my chair.

"Jc!" I said, hitting his feet. "What, it's like a roller coaster!" He said back, as I continued to hit his feet. "Not funny." I shot back, giving him the death stare. "It's so funny. I think I'm going to pee a little thinking about it."



"You got shotgun last time! Can you please stop?"

"Will both of you shut up?!" Sam spoke up, as he pulled out of the parking lot. "I don't want to act like the mom, but I'm trying to drive!" Sam said, with some sass. I turned on the radio, and started to go through the stations to find a good song.

"Are you ready to see Connor?" Jc asked, about five minutes later. "I guess," I sighed, before turning the radio off. "What happened between you two anyways?" Sam asked, stopping at a red light. "A lot." I answered, as we turned right.

"A lot as in....?"

"To much to handle in one iChat call."

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