Chapter Three

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You always walked into stores before me, knowing that my anxiety would hardly let me through the door regardless, but nowadays, the doors are my greatest enemies. Often times I'll debate if the product I'm desiring is really even worth the innerfight. Most often I decide it's not.

I always regretted you not letting me try walking in the doors first, because I knew this day would come, but I was hoping it either wouldn't or it'd be much later. I guess we never truly get what we want, though do we?

Today my greatest enemy is Walmart, it's the first of the month, meaning people just got their food stamps and unemployment and such, meaning Walmart is the place to go. But truthfully, I don't quite know if my medicine is worth it. All I want is you to be here, you we're always bubbly and silly with me, despite the fact that you're a relatively intimidating man, you always knew how to distract me from what was really going on. I appreciated that. It made shopping trips so much easier.

"Hey, I love you," you said squeezing my hand. I looked down at the long list of food to order and you met my gaze. "Do you want me to order it for you?"

"No, I should do this."

"My love, it isn't a problem,"

But truthfully, I didn't want to order, I was petrified, but I was more scared of looking stupid by not ordering anything at all than looking stupid by ordering a lot of things, so I swallowed the anxiety that was begging to escape, and I ordered.

I haven't gone to a restaurant since that day, I haven't ordered anything since that day, because I rarely leave my house anymore truthfully. It just hurts a little too bad. But some days, like today, I feel like a wimp for not leaving, so I'm here without you, just like I have been.

xx _DatWriterChick xx

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