Chapter Two

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Joe's Pov

My head was pounding, and I didn't feel like I had the strength to open my eyes but I knew I had to so my questions could be answered. After putting in so much effort I slowly opened my eyes to be met by a pounding light. As I looked around me I noticed I wasn't in my room, not even a friends room. I had cords coming out of me and this really annoying beeping noise in my ear. As I was still looking around a lady walked in to the room in a white dress so im guessing she is a nurse.

"Hi Sir, how are you feeling" she asked me.

"Where am I, What's going on? Am I okay? Why am I here?" I asked her, ignoring the point she already sent me a question.

"Well, you got into a car accident, you have been out for three days. Yes your alright but they other girl in a accident isn't, we don't think" she said to me.

"Wait I hurt another girl? Can I see her? When can I get out of here?" I kept asking.

"Yes you did and we don't know if she will be okay, if you want to see her I can try and get you in there." The nurse says.

"it would be amazing if you can try and get me to see her" I say back. She nods and walks out of the room. I try to sit up but suddenly have a shot of pain shoot through my spin and I instantly scream out in pain, which sends a nurse in to my room.

"Are you alright Sir?" she asked with worry in her voice.

"yes I'm alright, didn't think I would be in that much pain" I said, trying to find a position that doesn't hurt, with the help of my nurse. Finally I am not in as much pain as before and the nurse leaves. I flip on the television but nothing apart from the news is on so I just turn it off again. My phone goes off and that's the first time I noticed it even being there. After looking at it for a while I finally pick it up, not checking the caller id.

"hello?" I asked.

"Hey Joe, is Zoe" says the person on the other side.

"Oh hey Zo, what's up?" I asked.

"Your in hospital?" she asked suddenly sounding really worried.

"Yeh I am, but it doesn't matter don't worry about me." I said, knowing she would go into full on stress mode.

"How does it not matter?" she said getting angry.

"Zoe, I was the reason for all of this, I'm the reason a girl could possibly die, I'm a mess up Zoe, I cant deal with this." I said crying to my sister over the phone.

"oh no Joe, don't say that about yourself, Joe, you wouldn't of been the reason, we all know you wouldn't of meant it. Ill come visit you in the morning hun, stay strong" she says hanging up before I can say bye. I end up lying there until I hear the door open.

"You may go in and see her, but not for long" she says as she walks in with a wheelchair. I quickly get up ignoring the pain shooting up my spine. She wheels me out and down into the words were the patients who need the most attention. We go into room 501 and there I see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, sadly that is the girl I could of possibly killed. Not even knowing who this girl is, I mean I don't even know her name, I burst into tears and asked the nurse to leave the room.

"I know your not going to hear me, and you don't know who I am, but I am so so so sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen, I didn't mean for you to be laying here, clinging on for dear life just to stay alive. I hope I get to apology's in person but If not I am deeply and truly sorry." I say bursting into tears and holding her hand tight.

"Joe its time for you to leave and go back too your room now" my nurse says walking back into my room.

"no I cant leave her" I say trying to fight back and next thing I know, im being wheeled away from the bed.

"im so sorry" I say as my nurse wheels me out of the room, me still crying my heart out, which is what I find weird because I don't know her. I guess I need to figure my life out.


Hey guys, 

hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry I'm still working on trying to make them longer but I've mapped out a schedule  for this summer break so that I'm updating all the time, and if i haven't updated just message me and ill do my best to fix that. 

Love you all xxx


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