2 - Leaving Myself Behind

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I turned the portable CD player to full blast as Infected try to squeeze through the hole in the jagged glass. Blood sprayed all over the walls and floor around the window from the hosts. They had snarls and gave off ear-piercing shrieks. I stumbled over the sofa and ran in the opposite direction of the CD player and window.

One infected finally managed to get its way inside. It left generous chunks of flesh on the jagged gap in the window. It pounced on the coffee table with blood dripping from the human limbs. Its nails and teeth rotted. Unusual angles of the partly-exposed bones and fungi growing from beneath the flesh. I stumbled backwards into the wall, knocking a hung picture onto the floor, as it leapt at me. Its arms were outstretched menacingly. It had blood pooling around the eyes, giving it a demonic stare.

With a mere second for reaction, I dropped to the ground and to the side. It's one clawed hand brushing past my hair, but not piercing any flesh. It smashed into the wall, screaming and scratching and causing havoc. Another Infected forced its way through the window. It had its gut hung up on the bottom, partially immobilising it.

Exasperated, I ran to the back door located in the kitchen, only to realise the back door had been boarded up still. I took the pistol and smashed the window above the sink, fortunate that there weren't any Infected in the back yard.

As I was ready to get out of there, I heard the loudening shrieks of the Infected and the shattering of glass. They had broken in. I tossed my backpack out the window and it landed onto the ground a few feet below with a muffled thud, then I proceeded to holster my gun and hoist myself onto the counter in one movement, as the swarm of them came into the kitchen.

One bounded towards my leg, to which I kicked it in the jaw as forcefully as possible and ducked out the window. I was in a rush for obvious reasons so I didn't pay attention to how cautiously I got out the window.

"Shit." I cut a slash up my knee, tearing my jeans, and when I landed on the ground outside my hands and elbows got the worst of the impact and they were littered with scratches. Scratches from the ground and the glass, not the Infected. Val had gotten a scratch too, but hers was bad. All it took was one misjudged moment and you got bit or scratched, and it's in your system. The Ophio plague.

Quickly I took my backpack and sprinted to the driveway, where I kicked the bike rest up on my blue bicycle and took off down the back alley, dodging around a few stray Infected. I got out of my home; I should've been thankful. But all I felt was that I was leaving myself behind.

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