Chapter 2: The Plan

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CCKILLER00: Like I said yesterday, I promised to make another  chapter, and there you go.  Enjoy!
Narrator: Mayor Humdinger is pacing around, and his cats just look at him while he's doing it.
Mayor Humdinger: I'm going to need a plan to get them to work for me. Hmmmm, Aha I got it!
Narrator: Mayor Humdinger chuckles evilly.
Spongebob narrator: 1 Hour Later.
Narrator: Tracker and Mandy are racing back to their campgrounds.
Tracker: Come on Mandy, we gotta get back to Carlos, he needs us to do something!
Narrator: Mandy makes monkey sounds since she can't actually talk.
Tracker: No one said that you were the leader, Carlos is, duh, so let's go.
Narrator: Mandy makes monkey sounds.
Tracker: Good point!
Narrator: As Tracker and Mandy get there, they see Carlos dead on the ground.
Tracker: NOOOOOO!!!!!!! (cries) Who is going to take care of us now Mandy?
Narrator: Mandy shrugs her shoulders. They then find a note on the ground.
Tracker: Hay, uno nota!
Narrator: Tracker unfolds the note and reads it.
Tracker: "Dear Tracker and Mandy,
I'm very sorry for your dear friend Carlos. If you need a new owner, come meet me in Foggy Bottom in a barn at anytime.
Tracker:  Bueno, mejor vamos a conocerio.
Narrator: As they get there, the cats freak out that Tracker and Mandy come inside.
Mayor Humdinger: SILENCE YOU COWARDLY CATS . . . I mean . . . Welcome to your new home Tracker and Mandy!
Tracker: Who are you?
Mayor Humdinger: Lets not worry about that right now. (chuckles)
Tracker: Wait I know that laugh. You are-
Mayor Humdinger: Isn't it obvious?
Look I need your help to destroy my enemies so I can rule Adventure Bay.
Tracker: Who are your enemies?
Mayor Humdinger: Ryder, Katie, the pups, that chicken, Mayor Goodway and everyone else that lives in Adventure Bay.
Tracker: Uhh, No!
Mayor Humdinger: How about you little guy?
Narrator: Mandy thinks about it.
Mayor Humdinger: How about a banana?
Tracker: (whispers) Mandy, no lo hagas.  Por favor, te lo reugo.
Narrator: Before Tracker finished what he was saying, Mandy accepts the offer, takes the banana, and eats it.
Mayor Humdinger: YES!!! He took my offer, now it's time to begin Phase 1 of my plan: Operation weaken the second in command of the pups to weaken the leader.
Narrator: Mayor Humdinger laughs evilly, Mandy jumps around excited and Tracker cries to himself.
Tracker:  (cries)  Lo siento tanto Ryder y Chase!
CCKILLER00: End of chapter two. Wow, that monkey really outdid himself with that offer with Mayor Humdinger. I feel bad for Tracker that he has to listen to a stupid monkey. He could easily take her out if he wanted I mean come on! Well I hope you like this chapter as well, and I'll upload another chapter tomorrow. Bye guys!

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