Chapter 3: A Haunting Past

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CCKILLER00: Okay guys so I'm back with another chapter, so here we go.
Narrator: Meanwhile in Adventure Bay. It is night, Ryder and the pups are sleeping, and they all have happy dreams except for Chase. In Chase's dream.
Chase's POV: I am one month old, and I am able to walk and I'm with my old owner named Sgt. David Henderson, and we are at the police department at Detroit.
Sgt David Henderson: Well Chase, today, this is your first real assignment I'm going to give you, so you got to take it seriously, you ready?
Chase: I'm always ready sir.
Sgt David Henderson: Well good, today, you are going to guard the main entrance perimeter and spot for any suspicious activity.
Chase: Yes sir Sgt. David sir!
Chase's POV: So I went to check the perimeter for any suspicious activity.
Chase: Well, there's nothing here . . . Wait!
Chase's POV: I spot something in the bushes so I went to check it out. As soon as I was about to reach the bush, An ape jumps out of the bush and it lands right in front of me, and he had a scar on his face.
Chase:  WOAH!!!!!  You scared me!  What are you-
Alpha Ape: (screams)  NOW!!!!!
Chase: AAH, gotta hurry back with the others!
Chase's POV: I start running back to the police station and I tell the captain my story.
Chase: And that's what happened!
Captain Joe: Sounds serious! We need to-
Chase's POV: Before he finished, thousands of apes were right in front of the station.
Chase: Uh oh!
Captain Joe: WE NEED ALL UNITS TO REPORT BACK TO HQ ASAP I REPEAT ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Radio: Roger that we already have all units on standby they will be here in a few mikes.
Chase's POV: As soon as the apes arrived, reinforcements arrived and started gunning down some of the apes. I ran into the station and heard a loud crash into the building and a boulder crushes me.
Narrator's POV: Chase's dream ends and he wakes up terrified.  He gasps for breath for a moment, pants heavily.  He then sighs and goes back to sleep.  The next day, Ryder is fixing breakfast.
Ryder: Pups breakfast.
Pups (except Chase):  Coming!
Marshall:  WAIT!
Narrator:  Marshall bumps onto a corner wall and hurts his butt.
Marshall:  OW!!
Ryder: (laughs) Are you okay?
Marshall:  Never better.
Narrator: Ryder and the pups laugh, and Chase walks into the kitchen as tired as ever.
Ryder:  Hey Chase, how did you sleep today?
Chase:  (yawns) Not good!
Ryder:  Why?
Chase:  It's hard to explain.
Ryder:  Come on Chase, I'm your leader, you can tell me anything.
Chase:  (sighs) Fine, I'll tell you after breakfast.  Just get everybody to the lookout.
Ryder:  Anything!
Chase:  Thanks!
Narrator:  After breakfast, Ryder, the pups, along with Katie, Jake and Everest because Ryder invited them three over, go straight to the lookout.  When they got there, there are two guitars, one bass, one drum set, three microphones, and a photo of Chase's old owner.
Marshall:  Uhhh, why are we here again?
Zuma:  Yeah, Wyder just said go stwaight to the lookout.
Skye: Where's Chase?
Rocky:  I hope there's no water, oh there's Chase.
Chase:  Okay pups, so I'm going to play a song for you guys.  It's based off of my last owner.  The song is called Photograph by Nickleback.
Narrator:  The pups cheer. Chase is the lead singer, Ryder is the lead guitar, Marshall is the drummer/backup singer, Jake is the backup guitar/ other backup singer, and Katie is the bass.  Ryder starts strumming.
Chase and Jake:  Look at this photograph.  Every time I do it makes me laugh.  How did our eyes get so red?And what the hell is on Joey's head?
Narrator: Marshall starts hitting the foot pedal and cymbals, and Katie starts strumming.
Chase and Jake:  This is where I grew up.  I think the present owner fixed it up.  I never knew we ever went without. The second floor is hard for sneaking out.  And this is where I went to school.  Most of the times I had better things to do.  Criminal record says I broke in twice.  I must of done it  half a dozen times.  I wonder if it's too late.  Should I go back and try to graduate?  Lot's better now than it was back then.  If I was them, I wouldn't let me in, oh woah woah, oh god I I.
Narrator: Marshall hits the drums and symbols.
Chase, Jake, and Marshall:  Every memory of  looking out the back door. I have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor.  It's hard to say it, time to say it, goodbye, goodbye.  Every memory of walking out the front door, I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for.  It's hard to say it, time to say it, goodbye, goodbye.
Narrator: Jake does his guitar solo.
Marshall:  Goodbye.
Chase and Jake:  Remember the old arcade?  Blew every dollar that we ever made.  The cops hated us hanging out, they said somebody went and burnt it down.  We used to listen to the radio, and sing along to every song we know.  We said someday we'd find out how it feels, to sing to more than just a steering wheel.  Kim's the first girl I kissed.  I was so nervous that I nearly missed.  She's had a couple of kids since then.  I haven't seen her since God knows when, oh woah woah, oh God I I.
Chase, Marshall, and Jake:  Every memory of looking out the back door, I have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor.  It's hard to say it, time to say it, goodbye, goodbye.  Every memory of walking out the front door, I found the photo of the friend I was looking for.  It's hard to say it, time to say it, goodbye, goodbye.
Narrator: Jake and Katie stop strumming. Once Marshall starts hitting the drums, Jake and Katie get back to strumming.
Marshall: I miss!
Chase and Jake:  I miss that town.
Marshall: I miss!
Chase and Jake:  I miss their faces.
Marshall:  You can't!
Chase and Jake:  You can't erase.
Chase and Jake:  You can't replace it!
Marshall: I miss!
Chase and Jake:  I miss it now.
Marshall:  I can't!
Chase and Jake:  I can't believe it.
Marshall:  So hard.
Chase and Jake:  So hard to stay.
Marshall:  Too hard.
Chase and Jake:  too hard to leave it!
Narrator: Marshall stops hitting the drums, and Katie and Jake stop strumming.
Chase and Jake:  If I could relive those days, I know the one thing that would never change.
Marshall: Change, change, change!
Narrator: Marshall starts hitting the drums, and Katie and Jake start strumming.
Chase, Marshall and Jake:  Every memory of looking out the back door, I have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor.
Marshall:  It's time to say it.
Chase and Jake:  It's hard to say it, time to say it.
Marshall:  Goodbye!
Chase and Jake:  Goodbye, goodbye!
Chase, Marshall and Jake:  Every memory of walking out the front door, I found the photo of the friend I was looking for.
Marshall:  It's time to say it!
Chase and Jake:  It's hard to say it, time to say it.
Marshall:  Goodbye!
Chase and Jake:  Goodbye, goodbye!
Narrator: Marshall stops hitting the drums, and Katie stop strumming.
Chase and Jake:  Look at this photograph.  Every time I do it makes me laugh.
Chase:  Every time I do it makes me.
Narrator: Ryder stops strumming, and the pups clap and cheer to the song.
Jake:  ALRIGHT!  Dudes!  I gotta head back to my mountain to beat my other personal records, catch you later dudes.
Everest:  Buy guys.
Pups, Ryder and Katie:  Bye!
Katie:  Ooh, I almost forgot about Cali, I left her by herself all alone.  Well, gotta hurry back before she scratches all my furniture or goes missing somewhere, bye guys.
Pups and Ryder:  Bye!
Narrator:  As Jake, Everest and Katie leave,  Chase starts telling his story about his owner.
Chase:  Alright, this story is true and sad, so I wouldn't recommend sensitive ones hearing it.
Rubble:  Aw come on, it can't be that bad.
Narrator: Chase gives his doubtful look to Rubble.
Chase: You sure?
Rubble:  Yeah, I mean, how bad can it be?
Chase: You cried one time when your bird friend left you.
Rubble: Oh yeah, I remember that! But, this time I will not cry.
Chase:  Ok then, but after the story, don't say I didn't warn you.
Rubble:  I won't!
Chase:  It was nine months ago.  I was a month old.  I was trained to be a police pup.  One day over there, I heard a noise, checked it out, and spotted an ape.  He went after me so I ran back to the police station, and told the captain about the attack, but it was too late.  The apes arrived and destroyed the building, and I got knocked out.  That's when I woke up and saw Ryder at Katie's clinic.  He picked me up and took me with him, and that was the last time I saw my previous owner.  I don't want this to happen to me, or any of you guys.  I'll do my best to protect you.
Skye:  Awwww, that's sweet Chase!
Marshall:  Thanks man!
Zuma: Thanks dude!
Chase:  Your welcome!
Ryder: Don't worry Chase, you can count on me to help protect you.
Chase:  Thanks Ryder!
Ryder:  Your welcome.  Now you go play pups.  I got work to do.
Rubble: Well, at least I didn't cry.
Narrator:  All the pups bark and race outside to go play.
CCKILLER00:  That's the end of chapter three,; long isn't it?  Don't worry guys, we'll get to the climax soon.  Just be patient.  I'll see you guys later.  Bye!

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