Chapter 5: We've been set up

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CCKILLER00: Alright! I'm back with more story writing, and thank you for waiting. Enjoy!
Narrator: After driving, except for Skye, who flies, out of the lookout and into Adventure Bay, the pups and Ryder start working. Ryder returns Cali to Katie.
Katie: Thank you Ryder.
Ryder: You're welcome. Whenever you're in trouble, just yelp for help.
Katie: I will Ryder.
Ryder: Now I gotta go.
Katie: Okay, bye!
Ryder: Bye.
Narrator: Ryder heads to the town and turns on his communicator.
Ryder: How's it going out there pups?
Pups:  Well it's severe chaos out here, but we'll be fine.
Ryder:  Okay let me know if you need any help.  I'll get Skye to help you if you need her.
Pups:  Okay!
Narrator: Skye barks.
Chase's POV:  After closing all the roads, I went for Mayor Goodway's bag, sniff it, sneeze, and I find Chickaletta's location.
Chase:  She's this way!
Chase's POV:  I follow the scent, but only to sneeze all the way there, because I'm allergic to feathers.  Once I got to the bridge, I stop, and I lose my balance, but I regain it.
Chase:  Woah, I almost fell in.
Narrator's POV:  Chase calls Ryder.
Ryder:  Yeah Chase?
Chase:  I found Chickaletta's location.  She's at Captn Turbot's ship, which is on fire.
Ryder:  Okay, I'll get Zuma and Marshall to go with you.
Chase:  Yes sir.
Narrator: Ryder calls Zuma and Marshall.
Zuma:  Yeah Wydew?
Marshall:  Yeah Ryder?
Ryder:  Meet with Chase at the bay to go rescue Chickaletta.
Zuma: Wogew Wydew!
Marshall:  Roger that, we're on our way now.
Narrator: Marshall rides with Zuma to the bay, and pick up Chase to get to Captn Turbot's boat. Marshall barks.
Marshall: Water cannon.
Narrator:  Marshall's firehose comes out of his pup pack and he sprays the boat. After spraying Captn Turbot's boat, Chase and Marshall head inside the boat to look for Captn Turbot, Francois, and Chickaletta.  Eventually, they find them.
Chase and Marshall:  Captn Turbot, the Paw Patrol are here to help.
Captn Turbot:  Chase, Marshall is that you?  Help!  I'm stuck!
Chase:  Hang on, I'll get you out.  Marshall, call Skye.
Marshall:  Okay!
Narrator: Marshall calls Skye.
Skye:  Skye here.
Marshall:  Skye, we need your help, do you think you can lift this boat before it sinks?
Skye:  Yes, I can.  You boys need help?  I'll be on my wa-
Narrator:  Before she finished, an RPG rocket hits Skye's rear rotor on her helicopter and starts falling.
Skye:  Mayday, Mayday, Mayday I'm going down, I repeat, I'm going dow-
Narrator:  Before finishing, Skye's helicopter crashes with a fire in the distance.
Chase:  SKYE!!!!!
Marshall:  Come on Chase, help me get this open, ready?
Narrator: Chase nods yes.
Marshall:  When I say three, we ram it as hard as we can.  Ready, one, two, three!
Narrator: Chase and Marshall ram the bars inside the ship trying to break it open.
Marshall:  Again! One, two, three!
Narrator: Chase and Marshall hit the bars again.
Marshall:  One more time.
Captn Turbot:  Hurry up the ship's sinking.
Chase:  We're doing everything we can to get you out of there.
Marshall:  Chase, this is it right here, ready?
Chase:  Yeah!
Marshall:  Okay, one, two, three!
Narrator: They hit the bars one last time, and the bars break.
Chase:  Come on!
Narrator:  Captn Turbot, Francois, Chickaletta, Chase, and Marshall get in the hovercraft with Zuma and he drives back to the bay.  Meanwhile,  Rubble just finished cleaning up the debris,  and Rocky picked up all the trash.
Chase, Marshall, and Zuma run to Skye's helicopter.  Rocky and Rubble follow.  All the pups arrive at Skye's helicopter and Marshall sprays Skye's helicopter.  There was no Skye to be seen.
Chase:  NOOO!!!! (cries)
Marshall:  I'm sorry Chase.  I tried all I can.
Rocky:  Yeah, we all did.
Chase:  Don't blame yourselves.  Blame the person who did this.
Narrator: Ryder calls the pups.
Ryder:  Pups, what's going on?
Chase:  Skye is missing we need to find her.
Ryder:  Come back to the lookout.
Pups (except Skye):  Yes sir.
Narrator:  All the pups, except Skye, arrive to the lookout.  Chase steps out, then Rocky and Rublle, then Zuma, then Marshall.
Chase:  Paw Patrol ready for action.
Narrator: Ryder presses a button on his pup pad.
Ryder:  Okay pups, we're doing a rescue mission to save Skye.  So Chase, I need you to-
Narrator:  Ryder gets cut off from static going on to his screen and then it projects a live video from Mayor Humdinger. He does an evil laugh.
Mayor Humdinger:  Hey Ryder; pups, look who I got.
Narrator:  The video shows Skye struggling, tied up on the ground with tape on her mouth with Tracker and Mandy in the background.
Chase: (yells) Skye!! TRACKER, YOU TRAITOR!!
Mayor Humdinger: Yes Chase, I got Skye. And now, I'm going to kill her, slowly, painfully, but first, Chase, you need to come here alone. If you don't, she dies. You have fifteen minutes, don't waste my time.
Narrator: Mayor Humdinger does an evil laugh as Ryder shuts off the screen.
Chase: I'm going to kill Tracker for what he did! HE'S A TRAITOR!
Zuma: Dude, why awe you so angwy? Calm down!
Ryder: Chase, what's going on?
Chase: (sighs) I just get worried about Skye a lot and I don't want Mayor Humdinger, Tracker, or Mandy to kill her.
Ryder: Why?
Chase: It's because I love her.
Narrator: Chase blushes.
Ryder: Wow, I knew you had feelings for Skye but I didn't know you liked her. If you like Skye, then tell her.
Chase: I'll try again. I almost did but then you called us.
Ryder: Sorry.
Narrator: Chase sighs.
Chase: It's okay.
Ryder: I'll have to come with you Chase, to drop you off there; the rest of you come with us.
Chase: But, if anyone but me comes, he'll kill her!
Ryder: Don't worry, I know some entrances you guys and I can take.
Chase: Okay, just don't get caught.
Ryder: We won't. Now let's go save Skye.
Narrator: All the pups bark while Ryder slides down the pole and the pups go down the slide. Since they only need Zuma's vehicle for this mission, all the pups go in his vehicle, and they drive off with Ryder on the side of them, and onward to Foggy Bottom.
CCKILLER00: Duh, Duh, Duh!  Skye's captured and Ryder and the pups are about to meet their doom. Well I hope you guys like this chapter, and I'll make another tomorrow. Bye!

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