Torn between two

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We all looked at one another. We all knew that something was off. We all got up and followed him.

Aris whispered in my ear as we followed him to get Noah, " OMG this was the guy I told you about. Isn't he wonderful. " she looked at him as if he was a god.

"I don't know I get a bad vibe from him. " Kate said as she eyed him. She didn't like him and honestly nether did I. He seemed off.

Noah finally came out in the hall where we were. He looked at us with a look I knew way to well. What the heck is going on? Yep. That's what we are all thinking.

Jay continued to walk down the halls. We all watched him closely. We finally made it to out side the school . We went behind it where there was a woods. The woods almost surrounded the school but not quite.

"Ok well now that we are all here let's begin. " jay said with a devilish smile. "You need to stop before someone gets hurt."

Hurt? What the heck is he talking about. Hurt us? Yea not happening.

"What the heck are you talking about kid?" Kate says and to be honest thank god she said that.

"You five need to stop fixing stories and dreams or someone will get hurt and Aris will u join me. Join me in the destructions of stories. "

Aris POV:

WHAT join him to destroy the stories and dreams? Sure he is the guy of my dreams but what. I look around to see everyone looking at me.

"Will you my love?" He asks me and moves closer.

"No. no I will not. I love my family way to much to leave them. And what you are doing is wrong and you need to be stopped. " I felt a hand on my shoulder to see Luna smiling at me with everyone else.

"We are family and we stick together and we will never stop doing what is right. " Mikey said and grabs mine and Luna's hands.

Noah grabs Luna's other hand and says "no matter what we will fight for what is right. We care very much about one another so don't think it will be that easy. "

Kate grabs Mikey then says. "Never mess with us ever again and your threats mean nothing to us. "

Then we all together said. "BECAUSE WE ARE THE STORYTELLERS. PROTESTERS OF STORIES AND DREAMS!" Around us glowed a bright light of magic and you could tell Jay did not what to hear this.

"FINE have it that way. But my offer still stands Aris. Trust me you will see me again. Perhaps very soon. " and he was gone in a black puff.

We stood there looking at one another then we all got together in a group hug. This was my family and no one was gonna change that.

~After school~

Noah POV:

Gosh today was something. I can't believe what happened. We really do have a problem. I guess we found out who pushed Luna.

"Hey Noah. "Mikey walked in with causation "what's one of Luna's favourite places to go?"

I looked at him for a minute. Her favourite place? Well there was many places. Our room, her room, movies, library, and outside in the woods. Oh yea and Stake and Shake. She loves that place. (Completely true love it)

"Well she likes the movies and Stake and Shake. How come?" I asked.

"Well I'm asking her on a date da. " he said as he walked out of the room.

A date? D. A. T. E. date? WHAT?!? No he can't be serious can he? And will she say yes. Wait of course she will she is too nice to at no. Errrr what am I going to do.

Mikey POV:

"Hey Luna. "

"Yea?" She looks at me with her dazzling eyes.

"Will you go to the movies and to Stake and Shake with me? Like one at date?"

I gave her a minute she looked at me blankly for a couple seconds too. Like she didn't believe the words out of my mouth. Or something like that.

Luna POV:

WHAT A DATE!!! He can't be serious right? No he is. Omg what am I going to say?

AUTHOR NOTE: hey everyone tell me if she should say yes or no to Mikey. Just remember Mikey really likes Luna so choose wisely. Love ya all

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