A new freind

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AN:this one will be short cause it's my birthday. And school got hectic

Sam POV:

Ok I'm new here and I'm freaking out. Ally said that she would be here by now. Like what the heck. Where is she. She can't just send me somewhere and not tell anyone. Maybe she is talking to head quarters or something. Who knows

"Hey Sam!" Luna yells as she walks out of her room. Ummm

She was wearing a super large t shirt that reached her knees. And that was it. Her hair was down and she look. Uummm

"Aren't you supports to be sleeping?" She says and she looks like she HAD been sleeping but woke up for some reason.

"Umm yea I was just about to. Why aren't you sleeping?" I was burning red right now so I was glad she was half asleep. 

"I had a nightmare again so I got up to go somewhere but you were right outside my door for some reason so here we are. " she was waking up a bit more and I was worried about what would happen if she realized something. Her clothes.

There was some silence then...
" AAAAHHHH!" Luna screamed then put her hands over her mouth.

She went into a whisper "you jerk why didn't you tell me."

"Tell you what?" I whispered back.

"That I'm only wearing a shirt. " she turned and shut the door.

"Go to bed ok you need your rest. " she said and then it was quiet again.

Man I don't know what it is but these people never stop to amaze me. Especially her. Luna. She is just ...ahhh.

Aris POV:

So I know. I know. I'm being a little starkerish. Well to be honest it's for her own good.

Fill in real quick. Luna and Noah are close. Closer then normal. And then there's this Sam.

Like what is with that kid. I know he is suppose to be with us but he seems on edge. I don't trust him.

But I have been keeping an eye on her. To make sure nothing happens that is. Also my ship. Like Luna and Noah are perfect for each other. Even if they denies it. It will happen. Most likely.


Mikey POV:

Ok so Sam is really cool. Like he hits home really hard. But he seems on edge like crazy.

"Hey you ok ?" I go up to him and ask.

"Y-yea I'm good. Just nervous. " Sam starts to fitle with her hands nervous.

"You sure don't look like it. " and you could cleanly tell he was on edge.

Ding dong

The door bell rings. Why the heck would someone be at our house.

Sam POV :

Omg she is here. I race to the door to open it. There she was. The lady who sent me here.


She was one of the youngest members but she has the attitude to be where she is.

She has shortish blonde hair and blue eyes. She is about the same height as Luna. Which is sort of short for a girl apparently. At least that's what Noah says.

"Sam!" Ally says as soon as I open the door and hugs me.

" Ally you finally came." I hugged her back relieved.

Everyone was standing behind me by then.  Luna, Noah , mikey, Kate , Aris, and me all there.

"Oh silly me I forgot to introduce myself. " ally says as we lead her to the living room where we all sat down but ally.

" I am Ally. I am one of the head members at head quarters. I am the one who sent Sam to help u all. "

"It's nice to meet you Ally. One question though.  Well two. Why did you send Sam here? And why are you here too then?" Luna asked.

"Good questions Luna. " ally says

"How do u know her name?" Noah asked now a bit concerned. That jerk.

"Ok ok everyone calm down. I know many things about you all. Pretty much everything. Now Luna for your questions. Sam is here because he has been in training for a very long time now with out a group to be with. And you five are one of are top groups so. It worked out. Now I am here because I need to inform you in person your next mission. " Man Ally sure can talk. That's the girl I spent most of my life with that I know.

"How come?" Kate asked. Everyone was a little confused but they were taking everything in really good.

"We are worried that the people who want to stop good ending will here our messages to you so...yea that's why. Now your mission. You will be each taking turns. ALONE mind you into sams dreams. " she looks at me and my heart drops.

"WAIT WHAT?!?!" Everyone was in shock.

"Yes and I will be here for a week making sure everyone dose it. It is only for training for the real mission. We need to make sure are top team can do this."

"What exactly are we doing in sams dreams?" Aris asked ally.

" well you all will be find the weak point in his dream so turning it into a nightmare or will make the nightmare a good dream. It all depends " ally of course never told me about this.

"Okay we are in. " Mikey says and everyone looks at him.

"It's only training guys we will be fine besides this is Sam here. He won't die. " mikey told everyone.

They all nod but all I could think of was what happens if Luna is in one of my dreams. God.....

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