You got to be kidding me!

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Sam POV: 

Okay life SUCKS! And that is no joke. If it was then I would be sooo much happier then I am now. Like I feel that the world is out to get me. 

Ok so I didn't really say why I'm so upset. 

1. Teams

2. Dreams

3. HER

They picked teams today and guess who was one mine. Luna, Aris, and me. Aris is amazing and all but she doesn't really talk to me.  I don't think she likes me that much. Luna however is something else. When she hear that we were on the same team she looked as pale as a ghost. I turned red. Which SUCKS!

If I have a dream about Luna I'm screwed. Like no joke. 

We can't change teams though. I already asked if I could and she said no. 

Well she really said," Whats the matter worried that you will have a dream about some girl you like?" Then she laughed at me and told me my team is my team and to stop my complaining. 

But still....what happens if I dream about Luna and she is in that dream too. That will be the worse thing on the planet.

Noah's POV:

I'm not gonna lie. I am really mad right now. Sam got in Luna's group and I didn't. He is a good guy and all but still. No one knows about me and her so I'm worried if he will find out. Like if she dreams about me then I'm dead. 

If you haven't noticed Sam has the hots for Luna. Like its really obvious. At least to me.

But I guess that's just me. Maybe. U see it too I know you do.

I have even asked him about it. Which seems stupid but all men need to have a heart to heart talk every once and awhile. And guess what he said. 'Me and Her?! WHAT!?! yea never!"he turned red then and then ran out. 

That's Sam for ya. I guess. I don't know he seems like he is a good day but he likes my girl. I know I sound like a two year old and she would tell me that but still. She is my girl. MINE!

We enter the room where our training will began and let me say this is freaking scary as all get up.

We all are there. Both teams. And also Ally. She scares me too as well. In the room there were two chairs each chair had something headphones but I think there was more to that. Ally smiled at all of us as we walked into the room like she knew that we were all dieing inside. 

She cracked up when she saw Sam for some reason.

" Now let's do this." She said

"Noah and Sam are the first two to go" She said and she pointed at both of us.


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