oops sorry @ Noam fans: the trilogy

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Listen, y'all wanna come over here and say,

"Noam is a changed person!"

"He said all of that when he was younger, he was childish!"

"Wrestling changed him!"

Guess what?

I don't give two shits about any of that.

Yeah, he was young, but he still tweeted those tweets. He was racist at one point, and I wouldn't doubt it if he still is.

WWE doesn't take racism lightly.

They literally fired hulk hogan because he said the n word.

They aren't playing around!

Especially when Noam has fans that look up to him that are the races he's making fun of.

I wouldn't want my kid looking up to that ugly ass racist ass chipmunk.

Now it's time for me to roast him some more so y'all get ready.

Now it's time for me to roast him some more so y'all get ready

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Awe Finn works out with his fans. This is why I love Finn! 😭💓


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