Letter Meme

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Dear person I hate,
  You and everything you are, say, and do disgust me to no end. If someone I care about, whether it be a family member, a close friend, a friend I barely talk to, any of their family members, or even a nice person I know/know of gets hurt, I will literally stop at nothing to bring you down.

Dear person I like,
  You gotta stop hating yourself, because you're amazing, and although your puns make me cringe, they're still funny. Nobody's perfect.
You're fucking hilarious and make me laugh even when I'm mid breakdown. I may not love you yet, but I'm sure I definitely will in the future. Maybe once I get better and you're back in NY. I miss you a ton. 💙

Dear ex-boyfriend,
  We ended pretty badly. At the time, I was figuring out my sexuality and gender, but you didn't necessarily understand that. People change, especially in high school, so you seem to have gotten better with things like that. I hope we can be friends again.

Dear ex-girlfriend,
  I should've listened to them.

Dear ex-bestfriend,
  I'm sorry I kind of just stopped hanging out with/talking to you when I found my current best friends. Though you seemed to get along fine without me, I'm glad you're at least happy.

Dear bestfriends,
  I love you guys to death. You're the family I never truly had, and it's like I'm a part of your families. You guys make me so happy even if we do get into petty arguements sometimes. 💙💙💙

Dear mom,
  Even though we have our different opinions, I still love and respect you.

Dear father,
  Go fuck yourself.

Dear siblings,
Scott - I love you and hope you're doing okay. I miss you a lot.
Amber - I wish we weren't so different.

Dear past-self,
  Grow. The fuck. Up. Quit taking everything so seriously. Don't let them drag you down to their level. Figure yourself out, but for the love of all that is good, don't pretend to like things you hate or hate things that you like. Life's so much easier that way. Also, I know you crave attention. I do too, but that's not the way to do it.

Dear current self,
   Shut up. Stop complaining. Stop being so pathetic and useless.

Dear future-me,
  Hopefully, you're not holed up in an abandoned building with a needle in your arm and a bottle in your hand or passed out/dead in a ditch somewhere. I hope you are well both mentally and physically.

Dear school,
  lmao bye bitches

Dear celebrity crush,
  It's time to stop. 

Dear people that hate me,
  Me too, man. Me too.

Dear people that love me,
  I'm sorry.

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