Part 1

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Dinah's POV
"Omg look how beautiful she is!" I said while i was showing pictures of a girl to my best friend Camila.
Seriously this girl is so beautiful and she seems nice...
I thought while i was stalking Lauren Jauregui's instagram page.
Oh yea, sorry, i forgot to introduce myslef; I'm Dinah Jane Hansen, i'm 19 years old and well yea, i am bisexual.
Actually i came out when i was 16, it wasn't an easy progress but how the time flies everyone got use to it and for today no one has a problem with it.
The girl Camila who i mentioned, she is my best friend, Camila Cabello. She is 19 as well. She is my partener in crime, we do everything together. She is like a sister to me. Also she was the first who i told i was bi.
Well and this girl Lauren... Actually i don't know her. She seems really nice, and i like her posts.
I have always wanted to DM her since i found her acc, but i didn't dare to.
Today in school we were sitting at luch, Camila, Ally and me. Ally is one of our friends too. So because Camila knew about how much i wanted to talk to Lauren, she took my phone. She said "she wanted to take a pic". Yea sure okay.
I just got home from school, entered my room, put my stuff down when i hear my phone's notification. I pull it out from my pocket and i see it's from instagram:
Hi, i'm fine. What about you?
What the hell? I just scroll up and i see "I" texted her first...
I just called her right in that moment;
"Oh Lauren? Haha yea, you know i was tired of you being like 'i don't dare to text her' so i just made things easier for you. You are welcome"
"Thank you so much...What am i gonna tell her? Or say to her?"
"Just talk to her about normal things"
"Sure, thanks again, bye Cami"
Well hurray... So now i need to text back... Okay so let's see;
I'm fine too, thanks:) So i ummm... I really like your acc, and your posts:)
Yours is pretty cool too;)
So it's not that bad what i thought it would be. Its already 11 pm and we have been talking all day. She is really nice and we are getting to know each other. She is 20 years old and she lives in Miami with her family. Unfortunately... Because i live in San Francisco, the other side of the USA, and it's really far away...
I'm feel like gonna thank this to Camila, i think without her, i would have never talked to Lauren.
So we will see how things will turn out...

A/N: Soooo there it is guys, my first ever story. I'm really sorry for any spelling mistakes (english is not my first language). So tell me what you think of the story so far. And a really big thank you for VirgMolnr8 for helping me!
Love you all💝
I will try to upload the next part as soon as i can if you guys like it!

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