Part 12

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Dinah's POV

We spent 3 days the same, just watching movies, cuddling, kissing, having a lot of fun together, enjoying our time. Today is my 5th day, so I decided to ask Lo when I should go home. To be honest I didn't want to go home at all. I was having such a great time with the love of my life, of course I don't want to leave, but someday I had to. 

"Baby, when should I go home?"- I asked her, while we were watching some disney movie.

"Uuuummm... never?"

"You know I would stay if I could"

"I know babe, I know... But to answer your question, you could stay few more days like another 5?"

"Okay, that should be good"- I said and kissed her lips.

Basically this is what we did for the next 4 days. We watched like a thousand movies, we went to see her parents 2 more times, we went to the beach every day, went to the store, we made meals for each other, but most of the time we were cooking together, we went to the park, to a restaurant, she showed me pretty much everything in the town. Miami is such a beautiful city, but most of the time my attention was not on discovering the city. It was on my precious girlfriend. 

It was my last day with her. I'm leaving tomorrow morning, my flight is at 9 am. 
We woke up around 8 in the morning, and made breakfast together. We made ham and eggs, with bread. We were standing in the kitchen when I looked over to Lolo and I saw that sadness in her eyes. I immediately went up to her and hugged her for so long. I only pulled away when I heard her sniffing. I saw that only one teardrop rolled down her beautiful face. 
"Heeey heey hey, princess, look at me. Look at me baby"- I said wiping the teardrop off her face, and she finally looked at me.
"Babygirl, what's wrong?"
"I... I just dont want you to leave..."- she said putting her head back to my shoulder but now she really started crying, I felt her warm tears.
"Princess, don't cry, it's okay. I don't want to leave you either but I have to. And I'm only leaving tomorrow, so we still have a day together what we should enjoy. Also, I promise you we will meet soon, okay? I will make it happen, I did once, I can do it again baby"- I said caressing her back so she can feel better. She looked up at me and smiled, that's when i grabbed her chin and kissed her so passionately.
"I love you so much princess"- I said, and she put her head back to my shoulder once more.
"I love you too babe"- she mumbled into me.

She calmed down after a few minutes, but just as her I was really sad that I had to leave next day, although I didn't show her that, cuz I knew she would feel bad too. I kept smiling and laughing all day, not reminding her of  tomorrow. We watched a couple of movies, and after that, just as our usual thing we went to the beach. We were walking around for like one and a half hour, then we went back home. Later on we were watching TV and cuddling in bed, kinda on top of each other. I was just watching the programme when I felt that she was rubbing her leg to mine and my member.
"Lo, what are you doing?"- she didn't answer at all, she just sat on me waist, locked our fingers and whispered into my ears- "Did you really think I would let you go wihout even doing it?"

And well after that, every one knows what happened. We didn't youse a condom, cuz my doc said my sperm is not effective. But god she is so good, and we had a really good time.

After our little thing, we fell asleep.

In the next morning she woke me up at 6 with a kiss. I'm surprised she could wake up that early after our night. I mean we had to wake up cuz my plane was leaving at 9. We dressed up, had a quick breakfast and we left. In our way to the airport we stopped at her parents hause and at Normani's to say goodbye.
It was really hard to leave Lolo, she was crying so bad. My heart broke when I saw her like that, but I had to go. I promised her we are gonna see each other soon. And then after an hour waiting, I left. These 10 days were the best days of my life so far. She is everything I need, and I love her so much, and I'm gonna work on to meet her as soon as I can. 
When I landed Ally and Camila were waiting for me at the airport. They literally jumped on me and hugged the shit out of me. They drove me home, and when I arrived the first thing was to call Lolo that I'm okay.
Well that was over too. Obviously I was really sad that I had to leave her, but also I was really happy to see her.

A/N: Hi guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while:/ I love you all so much, and don't forget to vote and comment! 

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