Part 13

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Lauren's POV

It's been like one since Dinah was here, which really makes me miss her. Since she left i have been feeling kinda weird, like i am sick.
Today i woke up with my stomich hurt and i needed to throw up. I called Mani to comr over cuz i felt really bad.

I heard her knock on the door and just shouted 'open' telling her that she can come in.
"Lo where are you?!"
"In my room dumbass"
I heard her footsteps coming towards my room, and then she opened the door.
"You are starting to talk like Dinah"-she said rolling her eyes.
"So wassup, do you feel better?"
"No not really, i still feel like throwing up and im really hungry too... Can you make something to eat?"-i ask her looking at her with puppy eyes. I really wasnt in the mood for cooking so i was like 'imma just let her do it'.
"You are a pain in the ass Jauregui."
"Thaaanks Maniii"-i sit up in the bed hugging her.
"Okay come one let's go to the kitchen"-she said giving me her hand to help me get up which i accepted.

I sat on a tall bar chair next to the kitchen island while Mani was making the food.
"Sooo tell me how long have you bee feeling like this"
"About like 4 ooor 5 weeks"
"Are you stupid? Why didnt you go to sere a doctor already?"
"Cuz it wasnt anything serious. Its started a little after Dinah left, i thought maybe its just because i feel too alone or something"
"That is so stupid Lauren"
"Okay okay i'm sorry Dr. Hamilton, do you want to see what's wrong with me?"-i said jokingly while i opened my mouth. We both started laughing.
"Okay so you are saying it's started after Dinah left..."-after fee minutes of thinking she started speaking again-"OMG Lauren, what if...?"-she looked at me with a worried face.
"What? No! What?! No!"-Mani knew about Dinah being intersex so i knew what she was talking about.
"No Mani! She said her sperm is not affective!"
"What if it is??"
"Omg Mani"
We were just looking at each other not knowung what the hell should we do.
"Okay, so i know what are we gonna do. You gonna stay here, eat the food, while i go to the shop and buy like tons of pregnency test and you gonna do them when i come back okay?"
"oom okay, i dont think there is anything better we can do. Just hurry back"
With that she left me alone with the food she made and my thoughts. What if i am pregnant? I am only 21. Dinah is 20. How am i gonna tell her? How am i gonna tell my parents? How arewe gonna be together when she lives thousands of miles away?
I had so many questuons, i had so many bad thoughts about this. What if she is not readyfor this? I dont want her to leave me for this. This is suppose to be a happy thing right?
'Lauren stop its not even sure you are pregnant. Just wait for Mani.'

After 40 long minutes Mani finally got back.
"Okay so i got like 5 of them, do all of them so we can make sure the result is right"
I left Mani alone in my room and i went to the bathroom to do the tests.
10 minutes later i was done with all of them but i was too scared to check them so i gave all of them to Mani.
"What do they say Mani??"
"YOU ARE PREGNANT!"- she said with a huge smile on her face and got hyped right away.
All i could do is cry. Cry because im gonna have a kid with the love of my life. Crying because i dont know whats gonna happen. Those tears were happy and sad tears at the same time.
"Lo, you need to see the doc"
"I know i know, do you think i can go now?"
"Its 3PM, im sure you can. Want me to go with you?"
"That would be really good Mani"

The doctor told us that i am 5 weeks old pregnant but he doesnt know yet if its a girl or a boy. I dont even want to know without telling Dinah.
"Mani can we go to my parents house before we go home? I need to tell them"
"Of course girl"
We arrived and i told everyone to sit down in the living room. I told them the whole story, and when i got to the part that im pregnant mom and dad started crying, Tay and Chris were really happy. They love Dinah so they werent mad or anything. They told me they gonna help with everything if we need help which im really thankful for.
After we finished there Mani drove us home and we set silent in the livingroom.
"I need to go to Dinah's"
"Mani, i can not tell this to her just over the phone. What should i say? 'Hi babe i am pregnant because your sperm was affective!' or what? I need to go there. She deserves to know. If she doesnt want it then im gonna come home. If she says that she wants to be with me amd have this baby then i think im gonna stay there."
"Stay there? In San Francisco? Dinah is still in school, how you guys gonna make a living?"
"She works next to school, i can work too till the baby doesnt gets bigger, she has a pretty big family, i saved money, i can ask my parents. We can figure out something. If she wants to be with us"-i say and put my hands on my tummy and the same time i look down at it-"she will make me stay anyways even if we can make a living by ourselfs or not"
"Are you sure you want that?"
"Im sure Mani"
"Are you telling her you are going?"
"No i dont think so, but i want to go as fast as i can"
"Then lets book a flight for the next plane girl"-she said and pulled her phone out of her pocket.
We booked a flight wich goes at 9PM and lands at 8AM. It was 5 pm already, so i packed my things as fast as i could and Mani came with me to the airport.
"Are you 100% sure you want this?"-she asked me one last time before i hugged her.
"Yes Mani, i do."
"Just call me when you get there"
"Of course, love you girl"
"Love you too, be safe and be careful with the baby!"
That was the last sentence that we changed.

I landed the next morming. Everything was just fine except that i was really hungry.
I got a taxi and told the vuy the adress. Now i just had to wait to get there.
After a 45 minute ride we finally got there. I got all my stuff out of the car and payed the guy.
I walked all the way to the door where i pushed the bell and i could hear it ringing inside the house. After a few moments i heard footsteps coming towards me.
A small girl opened the door, i assumed it was Gina.
"Hi, who are you?"
"Hi, im Lauren. Is Dinah home?"
"Yess Finah Jane is home she is up in her room. Do you want to see her?"
"I would love to"
"Olay but you have to talk to mom and dad first cuz i still dont know who you are"-she definitely got her sisters adittude oh gosh.
"Mommyyy come hereee"-she shouted from the door.
"Whats wrong Gina"-i could hear her mother voice coming towards our direction-"Oh my god. Lauren?"
"Yes ma'am"
"Oh just call me Milika. Dinah is in her room, go surprise her. You can leave your stuff down here till that. Her room is the second on the right"
"Thank you so much"
I hurried up the stairs as fast as i could just to be with her.
To be honest i could wind her room without her mom telling me which one is hers, she had Beyonce posters all over it.
My heart was beating so fast.
I managed to knock a little bit on the door.
A voice immedietly said 'come in its open' from inside. I took a deep breath amd opned the door.
I stepped inside but she didnt even notice me. She was laying on the bed looking at her phone.
"Hi"-i said quietly when she looked up from her phone.
"OH WHAT WAIT WHAT"-She jumped off of the bed and run towards me taling me into a huge hug. When we pulled away she gave me a kiss which felt soooo good after all this time.
"Baby what the hell are you doing here?!"-i dont think she really realized i was there.
"Well there is something i have to tell you but i couldnt do it over the phone, so i thought i would come here"
"What, what is it? Come sit down, tell me whats up baby"-She grabbed my hand pulling me towards the bed.
"So there is something i have to tell you. I only found it yesterday too and i came here as soon as i could. It is a really important thing and i want you to stay calm and dont freak out even if you dont like it. So. As you know lately i have been feeling bad..."-and i told her everything that happened yesterday-"... and it turned out.. that i am.. pregnant."-as i said it i closed my eyes and started crying.
"Hey hey baby why are you crying? This is amazing babe! We are gonna have our first child together! You know how happy that makes me baby? Dont cry, come here"-she said and pulled me into her lap.
"so you are not mad?"
"Of course im not mad baby. this is amazing!"- she said caressing my tummy.

So turns out she loves that we are gonna have a baby. We told her parents and they were really happy and helpful about it too. We talked about it a lot tha night, and we finally fell asleep in each others arms. I missed that feeling.

A/N: Hi guys! Im sorry for not posting for so long! I hope you enjoy it (sorry for any mistakes its like 1 am😪🙃)
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Love you guys so much❤️❤️❤️

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