1 - 3rdPOV

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He released his breath in the form of small bubbles, his green hair floating around his daydreaming form, sat at the bottom of the gymnasium's pool. The boy, since coming to this school, had found an interest in coming early to hang around the bottom, sitting there and staring up in his own little universe, the surface of the water acting as a mirror to block out the world above and the liquid muffling the noise of the early gymnasts in the hall over practicing for some early-year tournament.

Today was the first school day of the year, and for Jack this is his first swim since the last school year. Luckily, despite his species, he's able to maintain a somewhat human appearance despite being underwater- perks of being a siren- so at first glance all you'd see is a human boy sitting casually on the bottom of a pool for an hour straight... yeah, keeping a human appearance really didn't matter considering he was just sitting there. Across his sides were gills and his eyes lit up to deal with the dark waters because of course he never turned on the underwater lighting to signify someone was there.

His pointed ears listened out, catching the muffled sound of footsteps before they halted, the pool lights flickering on. At this point Jack panicked before reminding himself to stay calm. the more he panicked the more likely he was to trigger a transformation through high levels of adrenaline.

And with that, he sat still, waiting out for whatever had stumbled upon his water-breathing self.


Mark had made sure to be early, kissing his new mother goodbye and skipping down the road absentmindedly in a rush to be there to scout out his new school. Online he'd already joined a few clubs and whatnot and had made sure to print off a map and his emailed schedule to help him find his way around without a guide. he hated relying on people for tasks he could so easily do himself, that was as much as he'd tell himself.

Really, despite his shyness, he was nervous. In his last home, he had been a big popular figure. he'd had friends and a boyfriend and everything. he'd been openly Bisexual and everyone was okay with it! it was the best position he could've bargained for.

but now he was in a new country, a new city, a new town, a new home, a new school and a new family with new rules and laws. he wasn't sure where he stood and what he stood for here.

Besides his thoughts, he had found himself sauntering towards the sports block, peeking in to see a dimly lit swimming room. He could see the lights stretching in from the doors to the opposite side of the pool, coming from a basket ball court next door and a bag and shirt placed over by a bench, neatly tucked in.

His suspicions rose as he noticed a couple bubbles rise from the pool- surely someone wasn't swimming in the dark on their own at seven in the morning? To make sure, he walked over to the light switches and flicked on one of the ones labeled with 'pool lights' and the room whizzed into action.

the first thing he saw was a green blur under the water, and then he noticed the outline of a figure... oh my god- were they downing?!?!

That boy with the septic eye - Septiplier Siren School AUWhere stories live. Discover now