Act 1: The Meeting

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Years later, lived a beggar girl in a big city. She had no family there. To live in a cold big city, she became a thief. She didn’t steal money though. She stole food for surviving. Don’t be judgmental. She had tried applying for job so many times. But even though she was very smart and a hard worker, her not finished education stopped her way for job. She had tried, had begged, and had cried on the employers’ feet, but nobody gave her a chance. She wasn’t selfish though. When she saw a hungry little kids or a beggar granny, she would certainly give her food. No matter how hard life was, she felt the obligation to be kind. Her name was Rihanna… and she was… me.

That day wasn’t any different. I woke up inside an abandoned old house. There were no lights because there was no electricity, only the not so bright of cloudy sky. The heather didn’t work. The fact that it was December was horrible. Almost everything in the house didn’t work, but I was lucky the water in the house was not cut yet. But a beggar couldn’t be choosy. The water was colder than the weather itself. I bet my life every morning just to make myself a tiny little bit more decent than my worst reality. There were no soap, no toothpaste, an overused toothbrush, an overused towel, a pair of ripped sandals, dingy clothes, and only one oversized jacket always lying on the floor inside a windowless dark room that I casually assumed as my (illegal) room. How could I look more decent, huh?

“Damn it!” I swore trembling under the cold of snowy December. I slept only with a white shirt and black jeans on the floor. Even if my dark windowless room had a dusty king size bed, I preferred to sleep on the living room’s floor because at least that room had a window and the sun’s light would warm me up a tiny little bit. But it wasn’t enough.

I sighed trying to swallow the reality. I took some clothes from the wardrobe inside the windowless room. I picked randomly since the clothes mostly were only plain colored shirts. I walked into the bath room. I sighed again. Another hell I’ll face… I thought pitying myself before turning on the shower.

Minutes later, I was back in my windowless room. I wrapped my body with the oversized jacket. Truth be told, I hated the jacket. It had a weird smell that no matter how much I had washed it, the smell wouldn’t disappear. After almost an hour, I opened the jacket and wore another cloth immediately. My stomach made a sound signing my hunger state.

“I know, Tummy. I know. You’re annoyingly way to honest sometimes.” I grumbled.

Time for the show, I thought bravely.

 I walked into the bakery. Everyone there stared at me. I sighed. Who do you think I am, a freaking Monalisa? I walked around the tables where warm fresh breads were displayed for customers. After I realized that people had stopped staring, I grab a loaf of bread. The owner saw it. I ran as fast as I could. I was glad that I could reach the small alley, but soon regretted walking there because one luxury car was stopped at the edge and I was stuck. The ones who chased me smirked triumphantly. I gulped. I closed my eyes when people hit me despite the fact that I was a hungry skinny girl. They left me. I was thankful that they were kind enough leaving the bread behind for me to eat. I winched when my brain had indentified the pain from my bruises to my senses.

“Life is cold…life is cold.” I mumbled reminding myself.

I laughed ironically when I realized that I couldn’t move. I was lying on the ground looking at the sky. Snowflakes fell prettily. I smiled a bit, but the bruise near my lips hurt.

“If I die now…I’ll have no regret…Because I have never found such beauty…when my life is always black and less likely white…the snowflakes showers me love…showers me love…showers me love…” I sang finely with the melody that I randomly made at the moment.

The numbing sense started to happen. I wondered whatever it was the cold or the lost of blood or both of them that would kill me first. I kept humming the same melody or sometimes just repeated the ‘The snowflakes showers me love’ part. My eyes started to close and open frequently fighting myself whatever I would stay conscious or would lose it. When I was about to give up, I felt a warm hand touch my shoulder. Even beneath my shirt, I could feel his body heat. It was something that I was yearning for. A body heat.

“You okay?” He asked.

I wished I could answer him, but my body was frozen. I couldn’t move an inch at all. After those two words, I knew he kept saying words to me, but I couldn’t catch a word. My consciousness was about to slip away before I heard:

“Hang on. I’ll save ya.” The man said before I completely lost my consciousness.

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