Dinner After the Contest

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May sighed as she thought of all the cheering and gasps from the crowd when she and Drew announced were dating. They literally had gone everywhere around town just to hear more cheers from the crowds. In fact it got so bad they had to go all the way to LaRousse City in the Hoenn Region to finally have a good spot to eat without reporters finding them for the time being. It may seem like more reporters would be there, but luckily no one knew that they were there. So May and Drew sat down at a five-star restaurant with literally everything on the menu being more than $20.00.
After about 15 minutes, May still couldn't decide what to order.
"Dreeeeew what should I order????" She groaned. Drew just smirked.
"It's just like you to spend 15 minutes just do decide what to eat July." May turned red.
"It's May, Grasshead!" Drew just chuckled thinking about how cute May was when she got angry.
In the end, May ordered the same thing as Drew which was a simple clam pasta dish.
The two talked for a long time about how it was growing up until they went on their journeys.
"You're from here right?" May asked.
"Yeah..." Drew's reply was quiet so she decided to not question that anymore. Even after they finished eating they still continued to talk, until they finally just stopped to stare at each other. Once they realized what they were doing they both looked down and blushed.
"W-well let's get going! We shouldn't keep our Pokémon waiting!" May said. The couple had left their Pokèmon at the Pokèmon Center.
They decided to split the bill, even though Drew insisted that he should pay.

So they went to the Pokèmon Center and picked up their pokèballs.
"Hey... Is that you May?"
They turned around to see...
(Lol so I'm just going to list the people that guessed Brendan....
A_Teenage_Oreo   )

Drew was confused, but May was ecstatic.
"OH MY GOSH! Brendan it's been such a loong time!"
Brendan... Oh yes Drew knew that name. May had mentioned it when they were eating, and he had to try his best to keep his calm composure when she talked about him.
"Hello Brendan. My name is-"
"Drew, yes I know." Brendan said, "you're May's boyfriend".
"Now, how did you know that?" Drew asked. Brendan just grinned and talked to May some more.
"He's really fishy..." Drew sighed. He decided that there was no way he was going to leave that alone.
He was going to find out what Brendan wants.

AN- HI I'M NOT DEAD! So I know this chapter was a bit short but the next one will be longer I promise! I'm sorry for not updating though......
(People who requested an update)

7th grade work (Yes, I'm 13 years old) and violin has really caught up with me and all but I will still try to update as fast as I can!
Thanks for reading!

The Contestshipping Love Triangle (MayxDrew)Where stories live. Discover now