an author's note

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the merriam-webster dictionary states that love is "a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person." well, Merriam, I think you have got that all wrong. 

love isn't just intense feelings for someone- its more than that. 

love is a coffee order in the earliest hours of the morning; love is our favorite stuffed bear that we slept with every night util we were thirteen and still have buried somewhere in our closets, wedged in between old photographs and outgrown clothing. love is knowing every single line to a movie because it is your best friend's favorite, and you love her as much as she loves ariel. 

love is falling for someone's eyes. 

love is beautiful. love is what makes the world go round.

but with love comes heartbreak.

for everything beautiful that love is, heartbreak is the ugly storm that must come. heartbreak is tissues and mascara stains; heartbreak is a headache that even coffee cannot cure, and heartbreak is your beloved character's tragic death.

i dedicate these poems to every human being that has experienced either. i get it- every once in a while, it is hard to find words to fit the feeling of your heart palpitating through your chest and onto the table in front of you. in the greatest wishes, i hope this helps you find your voice. 

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