Is this a Zombie? One Shot *fin*

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"Etsu Shi, Hashitawa, Dokeda, Gunmīcha, DE Ribura!" Kigen loudly chanted out the familiar words and suddenly the young intermediate was surrounded by dazzling red and black aura Kigen smirked as the bright aura danced around her and transformed her. The aura disappeared leaving red and black sparkles in its wake that slowly faded and Kigen's once casual clothing of mint jeans, blue sneakers and a black dress shirt tee was now replaced with her spunk red and black dress she wore without exception. In fact Kigen wore it that much it began to feel like a second skin! Hell she might as well just sleep in the damn thing, but Kigen wasn’t one to complain. Much. She did in fact enjoy the tingly sensation that erupted in the pit of her stomach whenever she transformed into her Magical Garment Girl form and the responsibilities that came with it. Oh, and the fighting, always the fighting.

Much like Haruna’s’ MGG outfit, Kigen's dress was a few centimetres below knee length secured with a thin silver chain around her waist and dangling in the middle of the thin chain was the sign of the cross, shimmering golden, chunky and proud. Instead of the white stockings Haruna donned Kigen's were fishnet that ended close to her hips, and under those leggings Kigen wore knee length socks. Her left leg clothed crimson while her right leg copied but with ebony. Kigen's shoes were slick, hefty black and red diamond studded boots which seemed at the first look impossible to walk in let alone preform the complicated manoeuvres they would have to achieve day in and day out. But Kigen had been training her whole life as MGG so when she was assigned to take care of a Class B Okami Megalo that had massacred a small village it was an understatement to say she was pissed.

Trudging through the dense green forest Kigen let out a loud curse as another leafy branch flung back and hit her in the face. The teen Magical Girl was following the coordinates to where the Class B Megalo should be by Ariel her sensei. Rubbing her face Kigen groaned. Why did she have to be assigned a beginners job? Sure she wasn't a pro or anything but freaking hell, a Class B was baby stuff! Ready to give up and make up a lame excuse to why she didn’t complete her task when suddenly a thundering roar ripped through the air sending all the birds into the air and mammals scattering like wild fire back to their safe homes. Kigen's face contorted into a grimace, just because Class B was easy doesn't make it any less scary...

It didn't take long to find the murderous brute, just follow the giant obvious paws prints and hey presto! The Okami Megalo didn't really make its where abouts a secret eh? Coming to the end of the trail of paw prints and devastation Kigen looked up to see the enormous Class B Megalo about 10 meters away feasting on a pile of dead bodies. Kigen held her breath, the stench of the dead so powerful she felt like throwing up then and there. The ground under Kigen was dry and hard while the ground under the Megalo was muddy and when Kigen inspected the area around her she winced, tombstones littered the place. Of course, a cemetery. Kigen thought sarcastically. Might as well pick out a grave now.

Studying the beast in front of her, Kigen gaped. She had never fought an Okami Megalo, she only knew basic information about them from Ariel. But she had defeated many Class B’s so this should be a piece of cake. At least that was the plan. The Okami Megalo was a giant white beast that resembled a wolf and only killed for the thrill and blood lust, they weren't rare but not exactly common. Only humans that committed great offenses and/or were truly insane were reincarnated as these horrific beasts. Bread and born for power and bloodshed. The giant wolf-like brutes' jaws were huge and slavering, foam and salvia pooled from its large mouth creating a large puddle in front of its muddy, blood soaked paws. Suddenly sensing an intrusion or fresh meat, Kigen didn’t know. The Okami Megalo suddenly turned its head and eyed the young Magical Garment Girl. Pulling its teeth back in an ugly, menacing snarl the teen clad Magic Girl got a fantastic view of his -at least Kigen guessed it was a him- jagged teeth, every inch was covered in blood and flesh, parts of his fur was stained a deep crimson. Staring deep into the brutes’ dark green eyes Kigen slowly pulled her tomahawk shotgun from her back, afraid any major movement would make the beast attack even though the Megalo already knew she was there. The intermediate teenager cocked her Tomahawk shotgun at the frightful brute and bravely held her ground, one thought crossing her mind.                                                                                   

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