Chapter 5

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Daddy makes his way over to the Vks starting with Jay. "It is so, so, so good to finally me--" Daddy starts only for Jay to punch him in the chest. "Meet you all,"daddy says Jay gives him an approving smirk. Then he moves on to the pretty purple haired beauty.

As soon as the his and the girl's eye meet he stops and stares. I smirk, daddy has a crush. "This is a momentous occasion," he announces. Something finally brought him back to reality. "And one that I hope will go down in history..." He moves to the pale freckle faced boy, "is that chocolate?" Freckle face doesn't answer he just licks his fingers. "As the day our two peoples began to heal." He announces lastly shaking the blue haired princess's hand.

"Or the day that you showed four people's where the bathrooms are." The purple haired VK jokes. "A little bit over the top?" Daddy asks. "A little more than a little bit." She answers. "Well so much for my first impression," daddy says sharing a short little laugh with the girl. I could definitely see these two together, or at least they seem more compatible than daddy and Audrey.

"Hey! Your Maleficent's daughter, aren't you?" Audrey interrupts, I scowl having a feeling that this is about to go south real fast. "Yeah, you know what? I totally don't blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff." She lies. "Audrey that's not-" she covers my mouth before I can finish.

"Oh my mom's Aurora. Sleeping--" She adds. "Beauty! Yeah, I've heard the name." Maleficent's daughter interjects, "you know, and I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world but my mother to their stupid christening."

"Water under the bridge." Audrey suggest, although it's quite obvious she's never going to let it go. "Totes," the teen lies.

"Okay! So, how about a tour?" Daddy suggests clapping his hands together. "Yeah? Auradon prep, originally built over 300 years ago and converted into a high school by my father when he became king." He begins, walking toward the gold statue of grandpa, his arm linked with Audrey's. I stay back closer to the teen with the purple hair.

Daddy stops in front of the statue, I quickly hide behind the girl's legs knowing what's going to happen. She seems kind of annoyed but doesn't say or do anything. Daddy claps his hands making the statue turn into a beast version of grandpa.

The freckle faced boy screams like a little girl jumping in Jay's arms. "Carlos it's okay. My father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible." Daddy assures, the girl looks the statue over. "Does he shed much?" She jokes. "Yeah, mom won't let him on the couch." Daddy answers seriously, we continue on our way into the school.

"So you guys have a lot of magic here in Auradon?" The teen asks causally, "like wands and things like that?" There it is again, she seems very interested in wands and magic.

"Yeah, it exists of course but it's pretty much retired." Daddy says, I nod in agreement. As much as I love magic I'm aware of how dangerous it can be in the wrong hands. "Most of us here are just ordinary mortals," he finishes. "Who happen to be kings and queens." The girl says smiling a little bit.

"That's true. Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years." Audrey chimes in, wrapping daddy's arm around her shoulder. I face palm, "Audwey there are mowe portant things then being a pwincess." I say looking between my dad and the pretty purple haired girl.

I glance at the stairs noticing Doug making his way down. "Duggie!" I yell pointing towards him. I run up the stairs and jump into his arms. "Hey there Kailee," Doug greets. "I saw your mawching band pway your weally good."I compliment, Doug just smiles.

"Doug. Doug, Kailee, come down." Daddy calls letting go of Audrey and gesturing us down. "This is Doug." Daddy introduces. He takes me from Doug then holds me to his hip. "He's going to help you with your class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms." Daddy explains moving next to Audrey.

"I'll see you later, okay?" Daddy says, it's direct more toward one VK in particular. "And if there is anything you need, feel free to--" "ask Doug," Audrey cuts in. Audrey and the girl share a false laugh which just turns into a sigh.

Audrey starts to walk away daddy and I in tow. "Bye bye," I wave over my daddy's shoulder. The vk's wave back, the girls even mouth a short goodbye.

"They are nice daddy," I smile snuggling my head into his neck. He grins, "I told you they weren't bad." I could feel Audrey's glare burning holes in my back.

"The puwple haired one was pwetty." I say, playing with the back of daddy's hair. "Princess that was Mal," Daddy says. I grin, Mal is a very pretty name certainly one I've never heard in Auradon before.

"Well daddy Mal is very pwetty," I decide. I know he won't say anything because Audrey's right next to him but I know he thinks Mal is pretty too.

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