Chapter 8

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"Okay. Carlos, we're gonna do some sprints." Daddy says looking over his workout checklist. I'm lined up next to the De Vil kid ready to run. I love running it's so much fun, you go back and forth and back and fourth over and over again.

"You're going to wose," I giggle, getting down in the start position. "I don't think so princess," he says playfully sticking his tongue out. I retaliate by sticking mine out at him. We do that for a couple of minutes before bursting into laughter.

"You two ready?" We both look towards daddy, an amused smile had found it's way onto his face. Before daddy even says go Carlos takes off screaming. Daddy doesn't even notice.

One golden brown fur blur is chasing after, him right at his heels. It only takes a couple of seconds to realize who the fur ball is. Without even thinking I take off after Carlos.

"Carwos wait for me!" I yell out. He either can't hear me over his screaming or he's ignoring me.

"Carlos! Kailee!" I hear daddy yell out, I just ignore him and keep chasing after Carlos. The only other two kids out on the field give us wired looks. I mean it must be a pretty strange sight. A VK being chased by a fur ball, the fur ball being chased by their princess, and the princess being chased by their future king.

Carlos runs straight into the woods, to caught up in the chase I forget I'm not supposed to go in the dense woodland forest without permission.

I finally catch up to Carlos, he'd climbed a tree to get away from the fur ball. I stand at the foot of the tree and look up at him curiously. "What're you doin up there?" I ask curiously. "Kailee get up here it's not safe down there." Since he's not very far up he's able to pluck me up from the ground.

"No, stop!" Carlos warns, as the golden brown fur ball nears the tree. "Carlos! Kailee!" Daddy calls out running round the corner. "Ben? Ben?" Carlos cries out. "Hi daddy," I wave almost slipping from Carlos's grasp

"Ben, help us! This thing is a killer!" Carlos accuses pointing a finger a the "killer". "He's gonna chase me down and rip out my throat. This is a vicious rabid pack animal!" I would like to make it known that Carlos is talking about an innocent little doggie.

"Hey, who told you that?" Daddy asks picking up the golden brown dog. "My mother," Carlos explains. "Cruella?" Daddy asks, the pup tries licking his face. "She's a dog expert. A dog yellerer." Daddy just laughs petting the cute dog.

"Why are you holding him,? He's gonna attack you!" Carlos warns tightening his hold on me. "Carlos, you've never actually met a dog, have you?" Daddy asks still petting the pup. "Of course not." Carlos says, as if it's obvious which it is.

"Dude, meet Carlos. Carlos, this is Dude, he's the campus mutt." Daddy introduces.

"He doesn't look like a vicious, rabid pack animal." Carlos says carefully climbing down from the tree.

"You're a good boy, aren't you?" Carlos coos, slowly petting the mutt with his free hand. He then proceeds to swap me for the dog. "You're a good boy," Carlos praises.

"I guess you guys have it pretty rough on the island." Daddy notes watching the boy and the dog bond. "Yeah. Let's just say we don't get a lot of belly rubs." Carlos says, I cock me head not quite understanding.

"Good boy. I mean, you're a good runner. You're-- your fast, you know." Daddy praises kinda stumbling over his words. I rest my head on his shoulder and suck on my thumb tuckered out from the chase. "Thank you," Carlos says continuing to pet a very happy Dude.

"Listen, We're gonna give you guys some space, yeah? You guys get to know each other and just, you know, come find me when you're done. Okay?" Daddy asks, Carlos nods. "Okay."

"I'll see you later." Daddy says beginning to walk back towards the school. "See you out there," Carlos responds waving goodbye.

"Kailee don't ever run off like that again," Daddy scolds once we're out of ear shot. "You know you're not supposed to go in the woods." I nod against his shoulder. "Okay, sowry daddy." I yawn continuing to suck on my thumb. "I think someone needs a nap." I just nod too tired to answer.

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