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as soon as detention ends, Jimin is all over yoongi. yoongi acts of his normal behavior, but he does one thing strange.
"hey jimin, are you going to be alone when you get home?" Yoongi asks. "yea, why?" He asks. "well, I was wondering if I could come over?" Yoongi asks nonchalantly. "sure," Jimin says, a grin playing across his lips.
the two head over to Jimin's car. yoongi slides into the passengers side while jimin slides into the drivers seat. he puts in the key and twists it, starting the car.  he pulls out of the spot, and it doesn't take long before Yoongi zones out. he stares out the window, watching as trees and buildings retreat behind the moving vehicle. he doesn't even realize they've pulled into a driveway before he feels the car unlock. he straightens himself out and pushes the door open, stepping onto the concrete pathway. he looks at the house in front of him for the first time, and he's in shock. the house is huge, and it has a beautiful arch at the front with a circle drive. there's a garden and fountain in the middle of the front yard. "woah," Yoongi says. "come on, yoogni," Jimin says impatiently. the older obeys, following the junior into the house. yoongi grins, excited to put his plan into action.
jimin leads him to his room and locks the door behind him. "where's the TV remote?" He asks and Jimin points towards a drawer. he nods.
jimin is completely surprised when yoongi pushes him onto the bed. he begins to grow excited before Yoongi reaches into his bag, pulling out a cock ring, handcuffs, and a rope. he gulps. normally he would be excited, if it weren't for the fact he knew Yoongi didn't have a good use planned behind the items. "park jimin, it's revenge time,"Yoongi growls, setting the items aside. he crawls over the younger so he's straddling him with his thighs, and pins his wrists together above his head. he grabs the handcuffs and locks the juniors wrists together as quickly as he can, granted the brunette is squirming underneath him. next, he takes the rope and ties one end around the handcuffs, the other to the headboard of the bed. he makes sure the knots are tight and secure before continuing. despite the brunette's attempt to escape, he unbuckles his belt and pulls it out of the loops. he unzips his jeans and pulls them down to his ankles. lastly, he pulls his underwear down, too. he completely avoids looking at the younger's lower region. he gulps before taking the cock ring in hand.

Yoongi's pov:

I take the cock ring and I can feel my stomach boil. I really don't want to look at Jimin's dick. but I have to, for revenge. i squint and take the cock ring, slipping it around Jimin's dick. I look as least as possible, cringing when I do. I make sure it's secure before looking him in the eye. "i told you, you'll regret it," I growl, and he looks scared. I crawl towards him and hesitantly straddle him, careful not to let his dick touch me. I grab him by his brunette locks and expose his neck, gulping. I really don't want to do this. I lean forward and attack the juniors neck. I begin to suck on it, already feeling the mark form underneath my lips. I kiss and suck at it, trying to turn the younger on as much as possible. when he starts to moan and beg me to leave more hickeys, and begs for me to touch his dick, that's when it stop. I get off of him and pull open the drawer from earlier, grabbing the remote. I press the power button and surf through the TV channels, finally deciding on the season 7 premier of the Walking Dead. I sit down a distance away from the aroused brunette, paying little attention to him. I can hear him squirming, groaning, and panting, but I ignore it.

I'm drifting off, and my lips are slightly parted, before i hear loud rustling beside me. i dint even have time before I feel small hands clasp around my wrists, and metal locking them together. I'm still not quick enough when the same hands grip at my hair and yank my head back. I stare wildly at jimin, but my vision is still blurry. when I'm finally able to focus, I see Jimin towering over me and his hard dick is right in front of my face. his hands are still locked in my hair, pulling my head back. an evil grin is spread across his face. he steps closer and his dick gets closer and closer to my face. I soon realize what he's going to do. "no, Jimin-" I'm interrupted by his dick being shoved into my mouth. I gag, squeezing my eyes shut. I squirm, but I can't escape. I try to pull away, but his firm grip in my hair is too strong. he begins to thrust in and out of my mouth, hitting the back of my throat each time. I cringe at the taste of his skin. I move my tongue, hoping that will shield my taste buds away from his dick. I hear jimin moan, and I feel disgusting. I realize I can still move my hands, so I bring my handcuffed hands up to his dick and try to pull it out of my mouth. he pulls out himself. "j-jimin please stop, I'll give you a hand job or something but please don't put you're dick in my mouth," I pant, only now realizing I'm at a loss for breath. he sits still as I wrap my hand around his dick and begin to pump it at a steady pace. I feel like throwing up very time I think about him mouth-fucking me, or the fact im touching his dick right now. I try nit to think about it and zone out, feeling extremely tired. I'm pulled back into reality when I feel his cum hit my neck. I cringe. he steps away from me and. begins to put his clothes back on. I feel extremely uncomfortable. "get rid of it!" I complain, pointing at my neck. he hands me a towel and i clean my neck, still feeling the stinging liquid on my neck. I toss the towel aside, and at this point all i care about is sleep. "You're not turned on?" He asks in pure shock, and i glare at him. "no, why would I be?" I respond. "most gay men get turned on by that,"Jimin points out and I roll my eyes. "who says I'm gay? plus, I would only be turned on if it was my boyfriends dick i was sucking," I argue, and jimin laughs. "well the fact that you just said boyfriend means you're gay. and the fact you dated taehyung," Jimin says. "shut the fuck up, bitch."


I'm twd trash lmao
idk whay even happened but I'm tired and my phones freaking out so into gonna end it here

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