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this catches yoongi'sattention. he turns around slowly, and jimin searches his face for a change in expression. his face is blank. "seriously? are you fucking kidding me?" He asks, and he sounds mad. "no... but this isn't fake, I swear. I was dared to try to make you fall in love with me, but I ended up falling in love with you. I wasn't just going along with it, I really do love you," Jimin exclaimed quickly. Yoongi's expression still didn't change. "well it wasn't fucking funny. you had my trust, Jimin. how do I know what you're saying right now is true? how do I know you're not just playing some huge joke on me?" Yoongi says. "we fucked, yoongi! you think that's a joke?" Jimin argues. "yea, Jimin. we fucked, because you're a fucking slut. you'd let anyone fuck you, and you know it. I'm no different then the rest," Yoongi says and Jimin glares at him. he slowly walks towards the blonde. when he's a couple inches away, he whispers, "does this feel like a joke to you?" Jimin leans forward and softly presses his lips against Yoongi's. Jimin's lips feel intoxicating, and yoongi feels lost. yoongi cups jimin by the jaw and pulls him closer. when they pull away, yoongi leaves his eyes closed for a few more seconds, wishing, hoping, praying this is real. when he opens is eyes, Jimin is staring at him. "does that feel like a joke to you?" He repeats softly. "no," Yoongi says. "You really think im a slut?" Jimin giggles. "my slut," Yoongi confirms and jimin grins. yoongi knows hell never get over that smile.


I'm thinking abt ending this soon in tje next chapter or two, even tho I actually started this not even a week ago lmao but yea idkidkidk

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