The Dream

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Lestat is walking through the woods like always. Lestat is normally up before anyone know one knows why but he gets up before the world even gets up. He goes to the castle walls and sits there looking at the wall. He climbs up the spot were he put foot holds to climb up. He is climbing up when a guard notices him "hey kid get down this is castle grounds" the guard aims a bow at him loaded with a arrow. Lestat looks up and smiles and continues to climb faster than earlier. "Hey kid I'm letting u have a chance to get down or I will be forced to shot you so get down now" he pulls the bow farther back. Lestat smile widens more and he climbs even faster looking at the guard the whole time. The guard pulls all the way back "kid this is your last warning get down!" Lestat looks at him " my name's lestat." The guard shots the arrow at lestat but he quickly grabs the arrow does a black flip and throws the arrow fastly at the guard. The guard didn't have time to doge and got a hit in his stomach. He falls over the wall and hits the ground several feet down while lestat grabs the foot holds again and starts to climb more. Lestat finally makes it to the top and he sneaks into the castle farther hiding in the shadows. He makes it to the market and he grabs a old sack and starts to stack up on food and drinks. A guard sees him and shouts for more guards lestat just looks at them happily ready for the challenge. They all shoot arrows at him lestat doges them all and grabs a few all the guards look at him in astonishment. Lestat laughs and drops all the arrows that he caught and reaches to his back. He pulls out two swords made out of shadows. All the guards pull out swords laughing at how the kid thinks he can take them on. He runs at them at a speed know one has ever seen and cuts them down one by one. He kills them all and grabs the food and jumps over the whole wall and lands on the other side quickly running home. When he gets home his house is burnt to ashes and his family is dead. Lestat wakes up painting hardly and he looks around to make sure his family is still there. He notices that nothing has changed so he goes back into his room and covers himself in his sheets. Lestat always has this dream and it has been haunting him for years now and he doesn't know why he has tried many things to make them stop but nothing helps so he just tries to go through it everyday. Lestat finally forces himself to sleep.
That is the end of this chapter thanks for reading it. Sorry that it took me awhile to write I have been busy.

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