Sword Training

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hey guys idk if I should continue this book or not I'm trying to write but I'm not a writer at all so please keep encouraging me to write and I'll give me best. I do know that my chapters suck but hey this is my first book and I'm not blessed with the ability to write amazing books I'm more of a poet, gamer, and regular teen lol.
Lestat woke up early as always. *Yawns* " I wonder if Akuma is up I wanna train with her." He puts on some of his good clothes in hope it will help with training. He slowly takes his sword out and puts it in a sheathe -this sheathe used to be his father's when he was younger- surprisingly it fits the sword well. He then starts to head out the house but for the first time in forever his dad is awake. "Hey son where you going?" " I'm just heading out to see Akuma and probably do some training." He grabs and apple for dreams and some food and water for later. " Well don't get hurt to bad and make sure you are back for dinner. Also can I see the sword you bought how much did it cost?" Lestat bite his tongue slightly and pulls it out the sheathe " It didn't cost to much just a few shackles." Ryuk walks over and looks at the blade carefully examining the edges and the design "hmm it looks like a really fine blade and it has interesting design, also there's a hidden knife on the bottom where the rubby is." He grabs the bottom and pulls the knife out carefully. He then shows it to Lestat " See it's ruffly 8' inches and it's very sharp with an design in the metal it's to hard to read I'm sure it's nothing though." He then hands it to Lestat like he said it's 8' inches and has a curve in the blade making it deadly and in the metal there are some words etched into it but it's to hard to read. Lestat puts it back in it's original place " Well I'ma go now dad there's much training to do." Ryuk heads back to his room " When you get back don't let your mother see the blade I'll most likely be in the barn attending to the animals go over there when your back and I'll help you bring it back in and please be safe don't get in any trouble." Lestat walks out the door " Will do dad don't worry I'll be ok." He then runs off to the stable and saddles dream and feeds her one of the apples he grabbed " good girl let's go dreams." He rubs her neck and starts her into a trot heading to a secret area he normally goes to meet Akuma no one else knows of this area. He finally arrives there and Akuma isn't anywhere to be seen. He shouts loudly " Akuma are you out here!?" No response he then goes to a log and sits down but as soon as he does he here's a ruffling noise. He quickly turns towards the noise and draws his sword out quietly "Anyone there come out?" He walks forward and right when he's on top of the bush Akuma jumps out scaring him " geez Akuma why did you have to do that?" Akuma Ko Kara Jigoku is her full name; she stands up about half his size; she has black hair tipped in light blue that reaches down to her mid back; her right eye is a story grey and her left a electric blue; she's wearing a boyish shirt and shorts; she's very confident but knows her place; she loves to read, hangout, and is a smart elic; she also enjoys swimming in lakes and rivers. Akuma laughs hardly " you should have seen your face, you was so scared." Lestat is already annoyed about the fact " whatever do you want to train or not and did you even bring a sword or do we have to play with wooden ones again." " Yes I have a sword you think I wouldn't bring one now that your 16." " Yea yea alright so where do you want to start?" " Well let's go where the big empty circle is remember?" " Yea I remember let's go." They both head to the clear opening in the forest -if anyone could fly they would spot this place easily it's the only wide opening in the forest that spreads out a mile in each direction- once they reach it they tie there horses onto a nearby tree so they can graze on the grass. They also leave some of there food and stuff hidden just in case someone is nearby.  Lestat is the first to speak " so are you ready?" " Of course I'm ready I've been waiting forever to whip your ass in a real sword battle." They both draw their swords, hers is a Misty blue with a wolfish shape as the hilt. They both charge at each other and start swinging their swords fiercely. Akuma fights well for someone as small as she is but they're both still lacking skill with sword fighting. Akuma strikes quickly at Lestat's chest but he quickly doges with a quick side step and a swing of his sword. They have been dueling for  hours going back and forth. They seem evenly matched but Akuma has the upper hand here. She quickly moves around Lestat hits him with the butt of the sword sending him on his knees and points her sword at his neck. "It looks I won here you still have much to learn Lestat it's best you learn quickly." Lestat is agitated that he lost again " yea I know you tell me everytime!" Akuma hits him with the face of the sword " well then learn from the mistakes you made and improve your skill and maybe you will have a chance!" Lestat gets up slowly trying to look as if he wasn't in pain from the blow " alright I'll try but I can't guarantee that I'll get any better. But we should go eat it's been a long day." " Yea I'll agree with you there I'm starving!" They both walk back to their horses and grab their snacks and start eating delightfully. Once they finish they pack their stuff back up and untie their horses. " Well we should head out see you later Lestat." Akuma rides off into the distance and Lestat starts heading home. As he's heading home something seemed off like their was a weird vibe going on in the forest. He slows down and looks around. Everything looks fine but he doesn't know what's wrong. He sees something glint in the corner of his eye and he then quickly turns in that direction. The forest seems more quite than usual. He jumps off of Dreams and sees a deer standing their sniffing something. It looked like a rock but it had strange color and was much bigger than any ordinary rock. He walks over to it and the deer runs off after noticing someone approaching. He now is above this rock and gets a better view of it. It's pitch black with some red swirled around in a strange pattern. He picks it up carefully and walks back to his horse and puts it in a pouch. He quickly jumps back on dreams and rides quickly home trying to guess what this object was. He puts dreams back in her stable and gives her another apple after taking the saddle off of her. He tries to hide the rock in his pouch forgetting that his sword was still on his side. He starts walk-in for his house when he sees Nicolle walking around the house. He tried to hurry inside before she notices but she already saw him coming. " Hey what's that on your hip a sword?" He trys to keep walking but she grabs his arm. " Why do you have a sword tell me?" He is nervous that she might say something to mom " it's nothing just a wooden sword I was practicing with." " Yea right that's not a wooden sword!" He trys to start walking again but this time she grabbed his shirt yanking him back almost making the rock fall out but he quickly adjusts the rock back. " Why do you have a sword Lestat!?" " I told you it's nothing." She starts to get furious " tell me!" " Fine it's my sword I bought with my money for my 16 birthday are you happy!?" She let's him go " you better not get caught with that mom will throw a fit." He walks inside and sees Michael playing around but he doesn't have time for him and keeps walking. He finally gets to his room unnoticed by his mom and quickly takes off the sheathe and hides it in his normal spot. He then takes off the pouch and hides it as well he will look at it later right now he needs to clean up and change for dinner. He finally gets done and heads down picking up his bowl and heads back up stairs and eats his food. When he finishes he is to tired to think at the moment and falls asleep.
Hey guys sorry for the long wait I've been busy with school and stuff. I'm also sorry that this is a long chapter I wanted to make it kinda long but I didn't know it would be this bad once again sorry. Keep on reading and supporting me and I'll keep writing thanks and have a great day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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