Chapter 2

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No food, no water, no showers, no beds and no safety. This is actually the whole trip they had summed up from Seol to Ulsan. Ria, Jiwon and Kris were already used to not eat for 3 days straight.

But not those boys.

They starved, but they didn't say it.
The reason for this was simple, they are still scared. Running away from the police who were trying to shoot until they bled non stop was definitely not a nice experience.
Especially if you have no idea how it is to fight through life for every single thing.

Going to school.
You could die.

Going out.
You could die.

Helping citizens.
You could die.

Getting some fresh air outside.
If it is only for a couple of minutes, you could survived.

But there are also days were the annoying police is just... gone.

However, Ria realised one thing at the trip. The boys stood together.
They didn't leave the other's sight and cuddled up close, so they won't lose the other.

She found it surprising how they tried to protect themselves and useless. Ria wouldn't kill them not even Kris. They just got dragged into this.

Another thing which surprised her a bit was, that they didn't tell her or the others that they were hungry. Everybody could see it easily, that they were starving by looking at them in the eye. And they didn't even talk, they didn't dare to.

But everybody arrived at the big mansion, where the gang was, safely. It was one of many mansions across Korea.
The gang is everywhere.
Well, almost.

"Home sweet home." Kris smiled and stretched his arms "Next time you are gonna drive, Jiwon. That shit was hell."

"Try me."

"I don't try overused things"

Kris laughed and felt proud of his comeback, while Jiwon was smacking his arm several times.

"Holy, I am so good" Kris said and entered the mansion with Jiwon, who gave him the one last smack this time on Kris his head.

Ria enjoyed the little fights those two had. Fighting over nothing was the main thing they would do 24/7.

But for now she had to bring the boys out. She opened the gate and saw them sleeping.

"Wake up" she demanded. No response.

"God damn it..." She jumped in the storage room went to the sleeping crowd and bent down to one of them. He seemed like he won't wake up even if you punch his face, so why not waking him up first?

"Yo, you..." She shook his shoulders. "Wake up."

Well damn he really looked like someone who wouldn't wake up even if you would punch his face.

"Y'all are a pain in the ass."

"HEY" She shouted and slammed her fist on the wall.

They finally woke up with a startled expression written on all of their faces. Especially the one who she wanted to wake up first.

His wide eyes stared at her. She looked at him with an annoyed look.

"You." She meant the one in front of her "What is your name?"

He kept looking at her not knowing if he should answer or not. But he did, because that young girl looked like she is gonna cut him into pieces.

"Min Yoongi."

She stood up "Bring your mates out of the truck and follow me to the mansion, Yoongi." His name on her tongue sounded smooth and it secretly gave Yoongi chills.

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