Chapter 4: The Rope and the Tree

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July 20, 1986

Jake dissapeared after that night and nothing has happened since. I have a really bad feeling.

July 23, 1986

I went to play at the park with my friend from school. His name is Alex. When he left, I started to head back home, whrn I passed the Jake's house. I saw a big tree with thich branches and there were marks all over it. I will go check it out tomorrow.

July 24, 1986

I jumped over Jake's fence to go look at the old tree. It was tall. It was easily 6 feet wide and probably around thirty-five feet tall. As I looked up, I saw a thin line where there was no bark on the lowest branch. There were a few thick fibers stuck in the wood. I climbed the tree and looked at them. "These definitely came from a rope," I told myself. "But why would a rope..." Then I knew why. I need to find Jake.

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