Chapter 12: Dragon's POV

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"Wha... Where am I..." The dragon's personality has changed and is now nice. She doesn't know where she is. "How did I get here." She is scared. "I'm a dragon?" She is frantic, roming around. She must get out of here. She looks up at the darkness above her. "Maybe that's the way..." She flew, fast as lightning into the darkness. Suddenly, she slams into what seems like a roof. She somehow manages to stay up and feels the roof. "It seems hard and solid, but maybe I can break through it." She finds a sharp dagger like rock hanging from the roof, pulls it off, and moves down several feet.
She then started to glide through the air at the speed of light and rams the roof with the dagger. The roof explodes open and she flys up into the newly exposed light. She is in Lakewood, and she is now human size, as she has returned from the underworld. She sees Seth. "Son..." she  needs to talk to him. But she can't. She goes into her house and up to the room with the velvet bed and lays down. She instantly passes out and lay still, in her home.

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