The Job Search

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"D-Danny, what happened?" I whimper out. I can't help but crying right now, I'm scared.

"What do you think? They fired me!" He screams in my face, then throws me to the ground by my hair.

I hit the cabinet first and then to the floor, hitting my head. "It's ok, I bet you can get another job somewhere else, Danny. We knew the place was closing, I bet they can refer you to another shop." I try encouraging him but it won't we much use.

Another slap across the face. "You must be retarded because getting a job isn't that easy! And the shop isn't closing down, they fired me because you made me late to work too many times!"

Shit, of course he would take this all out on me, it makes perfect sense in his mind. He leaves late for work, my fault, gets in trouble at work, my fault, gets fired for always being late, my fault again.

"I'm sorry."

He laughs that deep laugh of his, full of evil, "You really think sorry is ok, that sorry will make it better? And like always, your fucking wrong." He stops for a second to think about something before a evil grin breaks over his hard glare. He takes a step towards me and tanks me up over his shoulder by my arm.

"Danny!? What are you doing?"

"Something to teach you a lesson babe, and we're gonna have some fun with it too" He starts walking to the bedroom.

I squirm in his grasp knowing this will be worse than his normal rage tantrums, he's never done this to me before before...

He throws me on the bed, "take your clothes off." as he says this he already has no shirt on and unbuckling his pants to take those off too.

"Danny, you know you don't actually want to do this to me. You know your better than this."

"You don't know what I know or think!? Now do as I say and take your fucking clothes off!" I don't move, I just look at the ground, "I said! Take your clothes off or I will!"

With much distaste and hate, I take off my clothes and lay on the bed completely naked, I feel so exposed to him. He smiles and climb a on the bed...


Dirty. Disgusting. Used. Nothing. Gross.

I've been able to put up with Danny hitting and yelling at me but this, this is terrible. I'm not strong enough for this.

After Danny was finished, he left the apartment. Probably going to a strip club or something like he usually does. I would find this funny if I weren't in this situation, Danny raping me technically and then right after he leaves for a strip club as if he didn't have enough action right before.

What is wrong with me, why does he think it's ok do so this to me, me? I mean it's not like I've done anything amazing but I also didn't do anything completely terrible to get all if this. Ugh I'm so confused on how I feel about this all. Sometimes I think that I do deserve this but then when I actually do think about it I think that I don't deserve it but I'm not sure such side is right. Maybe both.

I don't want to think about all of this right now, I'm exhausted and hungry since we didn't even eat dinner today. I get up and walk around the apartment to make sure it's mostly clean to make sure Danny won't be too mad when he gets home. It's good enough.

I take a quick, hot shower trying to wash some of the filth off of me and may be feel a little better. It's only 10o'clock so Danny won't be home for a while so I should be able to get some sleep.

I drag my body to the bedroom and crawl underneath the covers, instantly falling asleep.


"Wake up babe," I flinch awake when I finally sense somebody shaking me awake and talking to me, Danny's home now.

I force open my eyes and am met by Danny's face barely a few inches away from mine. I'm used to him doing this to me so I've learned not even to flinch unless I want to get him mad at me.

When he sees that my eyes are open a big goofy smile spreads across his face and he kisses my forehead. I give him a small tired smile and run my hand through his shaggy hair.

Times like these is when he almost makes me forget about everything that he's done to me because this is how he acted when I was in love with him. He acts just like a love sick teenage boy sometimes.

"Come on wake up I've got to take you out to show you something, let's get dressed" he pulls off my covers and looks me over. Then I realized I'm naked again, I was so tired I didn't even get dressed in my pajamas last night. He picks me up bridal style and walks me to the closet and sets me on my feet.

"Wear something sexy." He kisses my forehead and moves out of my way so I can get to my clothes.

I wonder what he wants me to do today, he tells me that we're going out and that I need to wear something sexy. Well whether I want to or not I have to do what he wants me to do, it's easier to just not put up a fight about it. I don't know how to dress 'sexy' if it's winter, maybe if I just wear good enough undergarments it'll work. I find a hot pink lacy bra and a matching thong and put those on. I look through my closet trying to find something ok.

I find a pair of nice black leggings and a pink long strapless blouse to wear for a top, wear a small black cardigan and pink and black flats. Maybe if I curl my hair it will tie the outfit more together, might as well try. I stand in the bathroom curly my hair in nice big curls that look nice in my brown hair and then finally I'm done getting ready.

After putting on makeup of course to cover the bruises I walk to the living room where Danny is sitting and watching tv and tell him I'm ready to go.

"Great", he grabs the keys and just walks out the door, well I guess he wants me to follow him. I shut and lock the door behind me and follow Danny out to the car.

"Danny wear are we going?" I ask him after we've been driving for a few minutes.

"You'll see, its going to fix our financial problem, me not having a job and all."

We drive for a few more minutes until we pull up to a strip club. "Danny what are we doing here?"

"Just get out and follow me inside, you'll see."

I get south of the car when he does and follow him inside. It isn't very busy since its during the day and still early for people to be at strip clubs, but there is still a few guys sitting around the tables girls dance on. There's four girls dancing on poles on top of tables, each wearing barely anything, not surprised though since it is a strip club and all.

A younger man, about mine and Danny's age, walks up to us with his arms open, "Danny! Glad to see you back so soon, this must be the girl you were telling me about."

I wasn't really listening to their conversation until the man mentioned me, why was Danny telling this man about me?"What?" I ask them.

"Daliah, this is the club owner Jacob, and your new boss." Danny says to me.

"Wait what? Did you say boss or did I just here you wrong? I've never even met this man before."

"Well I was talking to Jacob last night and he said he needed a new stripper because his other one is knocked up and can't work here anymore so I said that you needed a job. So I brought you in to show him what you looked like to see if you can get the job." Danny explains to me as if it was nothing.

Jacob stands with his hand on his chin checking my body out, seeing if I'm good enough. I'm used to it with Danny but I don't want some guy I just met being able to look at my body and judge if I'm good enough for him or not.

"Can you dance?" Jacob asks me.

"Of course she can, so us she good enough?" Danny answers for me.

"Yeah she looks good enough for the job, tell you what. I'll have her work tonight and see how well she does, if she does ok then the hob is hers." Jacob offers.

"Great, she'll be working tonight then."

What? I don't even get a say in whether I want to work in a strip club or not? I don't want to do this.

"Well Daliah, here's your new job."

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