Green Eyed Monster

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A/N: Requested by anonymous. Taylor and Karlie attend a NY Knicks game, and Taylor gets jealous after seeing Karlie talking to one of the players. Hope you enjoy!

The large stadium was filled with the loud din of hundreds of voices, people already in their seats or jostling around looking for them. Two girls made their way to their seats on the front row, carefully holding their drinks.

Taylor sat down in her seat, craning her neck around to watch the people around her. There was a feeling of excitement in the air, and she couldn't help the wide grin that broke across her face. A nudge to her ribs startled the musician, and she turned to the girl next to her.

"Excited, Tay?" Karlie was looking at her with a smile, and laughed at Taylor's enthusiastic nod. "I can't believe you haven't watched a game yet in New York, you've been here months!"

"I've been busy!" Taylor protested, which wasn't a lie. She'd been working on her music since she moved to the city and her latest album had only been released a few days before. It had already broken records and looked set to break the 1 million mark by the one week mark, which Taylor was so excited about. While she had expected the record to do well after the last 2 albums, she had only entertained thoughts about having a third album break the million sale mark. She was brought out of her inner musings by a loud buzzer noise and looked up, seeing that everyone was seated now. "Is it time to start?"

Karlie shook her head, getting comfortable in her seat. "Pay attention, Swift," she playfully ordered and received a salute in return.

The game started and both girls watched with rapt attention, cheering for the NY Knicks whenever they had possession and scored. Taylor found time flying and it was half time, starting with a performance of her song Welcome To New York performed by a cheerleading group. Both Taylor and Karlie cheered when it was over, before the singer started to get up.

"I have to go for an interview now, will you being alright?" Taylor asked the model, who was already talking to the people next to her. She turned slightly and pretended to shoo her away and Taylor walked away laughing.

The interview passed quickly, the reporter asking her questions about the album and how she was enjoying New York so far which she answered easily. Taylor looked around after it was over and the reporter was wrapping things up with the camera crew. There were a couple of other interviews happening on court side with some of the players of both teams and the other players were either sat on the benches on the sidelines or talking to some of the guest. When her eyes reached where her seat was, she froze.

One of the Knicks players was sat in her seat and was talking to Karlie. As she watched, the girl threw her head back in laughter. Taylor felt her jaw tightened as she saw the man not take his eyes away from the girl opposite, and a sick feeling settled in her stomach. While she and Karlie had been dating for more than a few months now, they had yet to come out to the public so the player had no idea that they were together. Karlie seemed oblivious when he brushed his knee against hers or lightly bumped her shoulder with his own. Taylor scowled before checking back in with the reported to see if things were finished.

After getting the confirmation, she stalked back to her seat and stopped in front of it, tapping her foot. "Excuse me, could I sit back down?" She asked the guy frostily, and both him and Karlie looked up in surprise at her tone of voice.

"Of course, sorry!" He smiled and jumped up. "Best get back before the game starts without me," he joked, drawing a short laugh from Karlie. Taylor ignored him and sat back down, relieved as he started to walk back to the court where his teammates were gathering. This was short lived as he turned on his heel quickly and jogged back to their seat. "Before I forgot, let me give you my number Karlie," he knelt down and entered his humber into the phone Karlie gave him, both not noticing the furious look on Taylor's face before she forced herself to look away. This time he did walk away, but not before turning around to wave in their direction.

Karlie waved back smiling, before leaning back into her seat. "Isn't he nice?" She finally turned to Taylor, and looked surprised at how tense her girlfriend was.

"Yeah. The nicest." Taylor said shortly, not looking at her and instead pointedly looking at her phone. Karlie was confused at the brush off but just as she opened her mouth to ask why Taylor was acting strangely, the buzzer sounded signalling the start of the second half of the game. Both girls focused their attention back to the court, but the air between them was filled with an awkward silence that wasn't there earlier.

Taylor made herself act like she was interested in the game, cheering when necessary, but she just wished she could leave. Relief washed over her once the game finished and she paid no attention to the celebrations of the winning team, standing up and gathering her things as soon as she could. A hand gripped her elbow as she was folding her coat over her arm and made her face her girlfriend.

"Hey, are you going to tell me whats wrong or will you ignore me all evening too?" Karlie quietly asked her, keeping her voice low. Taylor knew Karlie wouldn't let go until she had an answer, but she stubbornly avoided her gaze.

"Nothing's wrong, Karlie. I don't know why you'd think that," she muttered, knowing that she wasn't being reasonable but unable to say what was really bothering her. Karlie frowned at her response, keeping her grip on Taylor's arm, her brow furrowing as she tried to decipher why Taylor was acting this way.

"Everything was fine until you got back from your interview..." Karlie trailed off as she realised Taylor had been acting strangely since she was speaking to the player earlier and the lightbulb went off in her head. "Taylor, are you jealous?"

A dark flush appeared on Taylor's cheek and neck after her words, so she knew that she'd hit the nail on the head. "Of before, Tay? Nothing happened!" She chuckled, trying to draw her girlfriend closer, ignoring her resistance.

"You give him your number, Kar" Taylor desponded, fighting the blush on her skin fruitlessly. She felt Karlie rubbing the crook of her elbow slightly, and relaxed a little bit.

"He's a friend of a friend, we've met before. We're just friends, I promise," she crooned softly, finally noticing the older girls shoulder relax and looking up to meet her gaze.

"Promise?" Taylor couldn't help but ask, worrying if her girlfriend was having second thoughts about the two of them and bit her lip. Her fears evaporated when Karlie nodded firmly and quickly reached out to pull her lip away from her teeth. Taylor smiled softly at the contact, wanting to lean forward and kiss the younger girl, knowing they couldn't just yet in such a public setting. Karlie seemed to read her mind and instead lowered the hand that was still holding her elbow to the free hand at her side and entwined their fingers, gently squeezing.

The pair made their way across the court towards the exit, hands still firmly grasped together, making small talk. Taylor noticed the cameras pointed in their direction and couldn't help smirk towards them, knowing that they were getting a clear glimpse at her holding Karlie's hand. Tree was going to kill her in the morning, but it was definitely worth it.

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