WT2| 17

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A week had passed since then. Everything seemed back to normal like it never happened but every night I saw it happening again. I had never seen anything like it before. My chest ached every time I picture Wyn's face. He had moved back to Florida, not saying anything to me of course. I hadn't heard from Roman or Wyn any time after that time either. It was like everything had started over and only I remembered.

I started back school, started getting my grades up and back focused on me and Rei. That part felt good. The guilty conscious I had didn't.

"Hey, Tay. What you doing?" Lyah asked coming to sit by me.

I glanced at her then back at my computer. "Nothing." I said dryly.

"That looks like something though." She said pointing. I looked at her finger then back at my laptop.

"Homework." I said, clicking the checkbox for the correct answer. Lyah made a loud sigh.

"Do you still feel a way about the other day?" She asked as if it was the stupidest thing. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm just surprised the cops haven't caught up to you yet is all." I mumbled. She started laughing.

"So you want me to go to jail? And Wyn and everyone else too, right?" She asked.

"Y'all killed people." I said, looking at her. "Cops. Y'all killed cops."

Lyah rolled her eyes now. "This shouldn't be nothing new to you." She said.

"I've never killed anyone. I've never seen that... I've never seen so many people killed in front of me so I'm sorry if that ordinary for you but that was never apart of my life." I said before grabbing my laptop and going upstairs.

"Maybe we should've killed you too." I heard her say.

"What you say?" I asked as if I didn't hear her.

"I was joking." She said with a laugh before getting. "Wyn would never allow it. Although he don't act like it right now, he really fucks with you."

I rolled my eyes. "He really fucks with you." I mocked, going to my room.


   I took a bite out of my sandwich, looking down at it before throwing it on the ground in front of a bum I was walking pass. It was dry and they'd probably die from choking trying to eat it but it was the thought that counts. I licked my lips and walked into a gas station, Kayo and Benji right behind me. They both pulled their guns out and I went to the back to grab a juice. I got a sweet tea Arizona before walking back to the front where Benji and Kayo was collecting money. They ran out with a bag and I slid a dollar on the table and smiled.

"I can make so that you never have to deal with that again." I told him. I noticed a woman and child in the back trying to be quiet. "Don't you wanna keep them safe?"

The man nodded.

"All you gotta do is let me post a few- maybe two dudes in front of ya store. They'll keep the burglars, hoes, anyone you don't want here away." I told him with a shrug. "I'll even pay you at the end of every week. It's a win-win business deal."

He nodded again so I extended my hand for him to shake. "They'll bring your money back in about 30 minutes, okay?"

"30 minute?" His accent was thick and astonished.

"Just to make sure you don't call the cops or nothing. You understand, right?" I asked. He nodded. I smiled and walked out with my juice to water down that dry ass sandwich.

Since the setup with those pigs, I've learned that I'm stuck in this game until it's truly time for me to be out and apparently I'm not gonna be out for a while. I let Kayo take lead while I handle the business and money like I least have. He handles the streets and Benji handles the drugs. We agreed that this is how it was going to be.

I was assuring that all the local businesses were understanding who we were and what we would do, making sure they knew they could trust us because where there was trust, there was bond. And where this is bond, there is commitment. As long as they are committed to us, we have nothing to worry about.

The only thing is, anybody could come and get that bond through money so we had to keep our prices nice because the highest bidder always won.

Kayo made sure there were goons on each corner and in front of every local shop we establish business with 24/7. Three different sets per shift and we made it clear that they'll get their pay or they'll get their pass. We made it even clearer that we'll kill off anyone who crosses us. And if that wasn't clear by now, we'll make it see-thru.

"Alright where to next?" Benji asked, looking around.

I leaned against the car once we reached it, tossing the empty can to the ground. "We wait." I said looking around too.

Kayo nodded. "The niggas on the way." He said.

"Y'all niggas ready for this?" I asked.

They both laughed with a nod. "Hell yeah."

Winter Toes II: Love Vs LustWhere stories live. Discover now