WT2| 22

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    I shook my leg feeling impatient as I waited for the doctor to come back in. I hated checkups but I had to do it twice every month just to get a good check on myself. I yearned knowing if I was clean or not, it could be some type of disorder but regardless I wouldn't care.

When the doctor finally came back in he was looking down at my results. I looked at him anxiously.

"Alright, Ms. Alyah. You're good to go. You tested with flying colors... that in the best way possible." He said with a smile.

I exhaled. "Thank you, doctor." I said with a smile.

I knew I wasn't the only girl Benji was messing with. I never was and I refused to let him give me anything, that's why I always wore a condom and I never sucked him up, which he probably hated.

As bad as Benji was for me I still liked him. The keyword is liked. I couldn't see myself with anyone after Money, even after everything we had been through. Seeing him die was the hardest for me and I'm still not over it. I don't even know who to talk to about the shit. I hated even more coming back to Florida afterwards because lord knows all I see is flashback after flashback of things we use to do. Sometimes it made me cry. The worse part about building with someone was having to knock it all down to "move on" when you can't move on because you've done so much with them.

I rolled my eyes, looking down at the pavement on the ground around 30 minutes after the good news. Benji was late picking me up.

Seconds later, a black Mercedes pulled up in front of me and the window rolled down to show Kayo. My panties practically got wet seeing him. I knew he liked me but I couldn't serious with him because I was wrapped up in Benji and I didn't do that three wheel whatever.

"Benji told me to get you." He said, unlocking the door. I nodded.

"I figured." I said before getting in next to him. Once I was in, he rolled up the window and turned the air up high along with the music to turn down any future conversations. I didn't mind, I could understand completely why he wouldn't want to talk.

He started driving, bobbing his head to the music as he rapped along to whatever the song was. I just looked out the window and waited to arrive.

Suddenly, he turned down the music. "Aye, you heard from ya girl Taylor?" He asked, catching me by surprise.

I shook my head. Truly, after the whole thing with Wyn and those cops, she was acting different towards me. "Nah, we don't talk that often. She's usually with her sister anyway."

"Oh, word? That makes you jealous or what?" He asked, noting the way I responded.

"Nah, everybody just asks me about her and we really don't kick it like that anymore after that shit at the warehouse. She don't really fuck with anyone after that." I told him. He nodded.

"I was just asking because Wyn was trying to kill Roman over her. I know that's ya bro and shit so I was just-"

"Wait what? Why?" I asked, confused.

"Seems like Roman and Taylor got a thing going or something." He said with a shrug. "But you obviously ain't know about that."

He then turned up the music before I could respond. That was fine because I wasn't going to.

That has to be stopped.

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Winter Toes II: Love Vs LustWhere stories live. Discover now