Part 4

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Olivia's POV

I was sat in my uni lecture and this could be one of the most boring ones I've had to go through while being here....

About half an hour in to my lecture I felt my phone vibrate I discretely pulled it out my pocket looking at it it was a text from matty which made me slightly happier than I was right now

(hey pretty girl, what are you up to today? Keep your plans free for tonight as I'm planning date one ;) xox) I don't think he realised I was sat in uni...

(Hey lovely, I'm sat in a uni lecture :( you doing anything more interesting? I will definitely keep my plans free as I'm looking forward to date one ;) xox) he replied quicker than I thought by saying

(Shit sorry, didn't mean to interrupt you!! I'm just writing some new material in the studio get back to your lecture mrs:p xox)

(Okay suppose I better put my phone away:p see you tonight xox)

Finally it came to my dinner hour sitting studying an essay about composers which is so boring.. I saw gracie my best friend rushing over to me

"spill now! Who is he?" She said gushingly

" I don't get what you're talking about..."

"Of course you do, you was texting somebody in that lecture so who is he?"

" it might not be a guy..." I said smugly

"It so is!! You're going redder by the minute.. So what's he called?

"Matthew but he prefers matty..."

"Do I know him?" She says sternly, she's so protective

"Maybe" I giggled

"I don't know a matthew that prefers matty so how do I know him? Show me a photo?" That's a bit awkward because the only picture I have of us is a photo he took in bed...

"What the fuck?" She asks rather shocked I gather


"This guy is famous and he's 24... But more importantly you either have a strapless top on or you naked..."

"Try the second one" I said nervously looking down at my sheets

"YOU HAD SEX?!" She shrieks making everyone look at me in disgust

"Will you keep your fucking voice down?"

"Sorry but Olivia... Why?"

"The first one we was drunk and the second time I don't even know what happened"

"It's happened twice?!"

"Might have"

We're soon interrupted by my phone ringing 'Matty' was the caller ID, thank god anything to get me out of this awkward conversation I'm having....

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