Chapter 33

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Chapter 33:

Song for this chapter is Grade Eight by Ed Sheeran :)

Taylor's POV

Harry was seriously going to pay for this. I mean just because we got into a fight doesn't mean he needs to leave me at the school for forty five minutes after the bell rang. I knew I should've kept driving myself to and from school. The boys, Michelle, and Max had all offered me a ride home but I refused like an idiot with hopes that Harry would still show. I pace back and forth as a few passing students watch me. I try to call him again but there's no luck. I knew I should have been suspicious when eighth hour came and I didn't see him sitting in his usual seat. Even if he went home or to the hospital he would text her, right? Or atleast call her letting her know what was going on his life. Finally an hour had passed and I decided to call Michelle to come pick me up. As soon as I am about to dial the number Joe walks up to me. 

"Hey Taylor! Shouldn't you be home?' He asks playfully. 

"Yeah but my boyfriend left me here high and dry," I retort. 

"Do you need a ride? I can take you home if you'd like," He offers. 

"Well I don't wanna burden you..Besides I think it might be best if I just call Michelle," With my response I have Harry in mind. 

"Really? It's just a ride. Nothing but friends," He insists. 

"It's fine Joe. I'll just call..." But my sentence is interupted by Harry's car furiously pulling up right next to us. 

"Get in," Harry growls. 

"Well I guess I'll see you later Joe," I say with a hint of embarassment in my tone. 

"Bye Tay," He replies and begins to walk off.

I jump into the passanger seat of Harry's car and slam the door. I greet him with a scowl and cross my arms over my chest but he doesn't drive.

"What?' I snap.

"Seatbelt," he mutters.

"Surprised you care," I huff.

"Taylor you know I care about you more than almost anyone but your mother," he argues.

"Welll that was very CARING of you to leave me here after an hour school had ended," I snap once more.

"I'm sorry. I just went to clear my head and lost track of time," He groans.

"You mean five hours of time?" I question.

"Ugh...I'm sorry ok?" he gives an apologetic look with his words.

"I thought we were going to work but now I realize that fate has done everything in the universe to make us fight," I mention.

"What do you mean?" He sounded hurt by my words.

"I mean maybe we aren't suppose to be together. Everything has gone. You've ripped my heart out to many times to count and I fall for it everytime. Back in November heartache wasn't suppose to be in my vocabulary but that's all I let you cause," I vent.

"What..I love you! You can't forget about all the good we've been through either!" He was in such disbelief.

"Yeah..but there's been to many secrets. I feel like I've told you more than you've told me," I explain.

"We had this conversation when you drove me back to the hospital! We agreed no more secrets and I've kept my end of the bargain," He shifts in his seat while he speaks.

"Really? Why didn't you tell me where you went. Clearing your head is a pretty vague statement," I reason.

"I went for a walk...ok and maybe I smoked a little weed," He shrugs.

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