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Sarah POV

Thinking they left I headed down to see

When I went downstairs I saw Simon and Ethan cuddling

They are so gross I see why josh hates them

I felt like someone was staring at me

"Hey slut."Ethan said

"You know her."Simon said

"In fact I do he is my ex."

"He told me that if I dont say josh cheated with me."

"Heee heee would...."

"He would what."Simon said curious

"Let me tell you the story basically it was a chill day and we were cuddling and he had asked how my mum was doing as she has cancer but In the inside he actually didn't care."

"So after a while he admitted to being gay which honestly I didn't care I'm not homophobic like some people."

"So after that he said he liked Simon and wanted to get rid of josh which I was honestly confused about what he was talking about ."

"That's when he said if you don't say you cheated with josh I will kill your mom and which  I was honestly terrified about."

"So after while I met elly she is wonderful I love her to death and will never leave her."

"So now where together and she wanted me to meet her roommate which so happened to be josh."

"We talked about and now we're cool and he's basically like my brother I love you josh."there were tears streaming down my eyes

"I love you to."josh said

"I love you too elly."and she came and gave me a big kiss

And that's why I love these people they're basically family now

I could see everyone staring and tears streaming from some of there eyes

Ethan POV

Damn why did she say that I'm doomed

"Now do you actually believe that."I said while trying to hug him

But Simon pulled away and just looked at me

"Now leave from my house." Josh said angrily

I got up and left thinking of revenge

This is certainly not over at all

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