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Simon POV

I had woke up to see the gang here


I was in pain and it was unbearable

"Could you please get a doctor I'm in pain."

I felt like I was gonna pass out agian

"Yes I will hold up a second Simon stay in there for me."

Then he went and pressed the red button

That signaled for help or someone to come help

Then the doctor had dame back

"Are you in pain."the doctor said

"Yes it hurts bad."

And with that they took everyone and ran test

Josh POV

They just told us to leave so they could run test

So we all went back to the waiting room

1hr later

The doctor came back out and told us he's sleep

And that he might experience some Anger issues

But he is in good condition

He could go home today when he wakes up

30mins later

He had finally woke up

"When can I leave."he said

"You can leave now."

He got dressed and we left to the house

The others had already left to suprise him

They bought a get well cake and a new video game

"Hey where are the others."he said

"They are at home they are gonna meet us there."

"Ok will there be food."he said

"Yes there will be plenty of food at the house waiting."

We had made it home and went to the door

I had opened it


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