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Josh POV

America The Best place to live

I mean I love it here

Just hanging out with the boys

Trying American stuff I've never had before

It's amazing

So today with no Thorpe Park we are going shopping

I really don't know a lot of these American shops

Like what exactly is Macy's sounds like a girl store

Which I totally isn't only for girls

5hrs later

We have just finished shopping

And since we have a pool we decided to go swimming

That sounds so good right now

I don't remember the last time we even went to swim

It must have been a while back

I just hope they are gone and we can enjoy life

Because it's so peaceful in The good ol Texas

Hey that's where I live 😂😃

"It feels so good in this pool."

"Ya like when was the last time we went swimming."

"Exactly it's been a while." Simon said

"But let's just enjoy it while we're here."

I said while cuddling up to Simon

Just like the old days

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