Eagles Do Not Caw, They Claw

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Queenie had managed to bring the group to safety and Tegwen couldn't be any more grateful to the woman for her quick thinking and brilliant actions

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Queenie had managed to bring the group to safety and Tegwen couldn't be any more grateful to the woman for her quick thinking and brilliant actions. They were brought to a rooftop that looked over the entire city, with a pigeon coop set up in the back filling the air with cooing noises from the birds.  Tegwen rubbed at her knees that ached from being thrown about by the MACUSA officials as if she were some sort of rag doll.  In fact, her entire body ached something fierce and her mind was begging her to go to sleep. But she wouldn't allow herself to do so. After facing death once again and narrowly escaping, the woman merely let out a faint sigh as she sat on the edge of the building looking down. The street below was abandoned for the most part, with the exception of a man hurrying through trying to get out of the cold.

Something moved on her arm causing her to jolt, when she felt a tight grip on the back of her coat, holding her in place. In a panic, she turned her head and saw Newt standing behind her, with his hand still holding her coat. He didn't say anything before she peered down to her arm, wondering what had touched her when she saw Pickett poke his head out. The tension in her body relaxed as she smiled down at the bowtruckle that crawled out from the safety of her sleeve and made his way back to Newt's jacket.

"You were so quiet I forgot you were there," She said in a quiet voice, not bothering to look up at Newt. She really had no idea of what to say to the man or if he wanted to hear her talk. However, she did hear Pickett start off a clicking noise as if he were talking to Newt about something. She heard Queenie and Jacob discussing breeding pigeons and owls, while they stood in the pigeon coop.

Still feeling quite guilty for yelling at Tina while they were back in the cell, Tegwen didn't want to face the other woman just yet. There was truth to her words, but seeing as they were about to face their deaths shortly after that moment, it wasn't the smartest move to yell at Tina. It couldn't have very well been some of the last words she exchanged with one of the women she admired so much.

Rubbing at her eyes that were burning from struggling to stay open, Tegwen wished she had a cold bucket of water to pour over herself to keep awake. Instead, she began to hum a tune to herself, trying to remember all the parts to keep her brain focused on something else besides the idea of sleep.

"What song is that?" Newt interrupted her humming after a minute. She glanced over at him.


"I said what song is that? I remember you used to hum that same song in class, in the corridors, in the Great Hall-" He stopped himself, realizing he had given plenty away of how much he had paid attention to her during their time in Hogwarts.

Tegwen's face was already bright red from the cold, but it decided to turn a shade darker before she looked at her hands that were settled in her lap.

"It's not a known song," she said, " it's just one I made up. Well, I can't say that is a hundred percent truthful. Dad had one of his drinking buddies over one night after a quidditch match and they started up with an old Irish drinking song. I can't remember the name of it at this point, but there was one part I always liked."

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