viii. credence

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Overwhelmed by the commotion that was going on around them, Penelope hadn't even noticed that Tina Goldstein had left her and Newt's side. Newt hadn't seemed to notice, either, until the ex-Auror was approaching Percival Graves a couple of blocks down.

"Merlin's beard," Newt muttered as he grabbed Penelope's hand, pulling her alongside him as he struggled to get closer to Tina whilst still being hidden.

"Percival Graves!" Penelope heard Tina yell towards the dark man who was trying to talk to the Obscurus. Graves immediately turned around at the sound of her voice, his wand in his hand, and shot a stunning spell towards the woman; though Tina easily blocked it, and Penelope could tell that she was very skilled in dueling.

Percival Graves turned his full attention away from the Obscurial and onto Tina instead, slowly walking towards her with his wand pointed at her. Tina looked panicked as she backed away from the dark man, shooting spells his way, those of which Graves blocked rather easily.

Penelope turned to Newt as if asking him if she could help Goldstein, though the man's attention wasn't even on the dueling woman. Instead, he was focused on the dark Obscurus as it descended deeper into the city. Newt suddenly grabbed Penelope's hand, Apparating away from the street that was now only occupied by two dueling wizards.

Penelope wished that she could've stayed behind and helped Tina, as she had formed a sort of liking towards the witch, despite the jealously she felt towards her whenever Newt showed the woman affection.

The next thing she knew, she and Newt were standing on yet another rooftop, only feet away from the rampaging Obscurial. Newt slowly let go of Penelope's hand, raising his hands in surrender as he took a step towards the dark mass.

"Credence," he said slowly, his voice barely heard over the commotion of the Obscurial. "Credence, I'm here to help you."

The Obscurial didn't seem to like this however, as if suddenly shot itself towards Newt, surrounding the British man in its black mass within seconds. It then flew away from the rooftop, leaving Penelope untouched, leaving an empty space where Newt once was.

"Newt!" The young woman screamed, feeling her heart sink to her feet at the thought of Newt getting devoured by the creature so easily. She buried her face into her hands, feeling tears beginning to form in her eyes. She jumped as she felt an arm slide around her waist, and looked up to see Newt standing beside her once more.

"Merlin's beard," he muttered without looking at her, watching the Obscurus fly through the city once more. "That is one angry child."

As the Obscurus flew past the pair once more, Newt took off running after it, surprisingly keeping up with it. Penelope ran after them, struggling to match Newt's quick pace. Bright blue and orange light flashed within the dark mass of the Obscurial, blinding Penelope whenever she looked at it. She then noticed that she and Newt were nearing the end of the long building- they would have to end their pursuit in a moment. Though Newt didn't slow down; in fact, he sped up as he neared the edge of the building. Penelope grabbed onto him as he jumped from the building, Apparating once more alongside him.

The pair reappeared underground, in the long, stone tunnels of a subway. Newt held a finger to his lips as he led Penelope down a flight of stairs. He stopped at the bottom, gently pushing Penelope against the wall. His hand remained on her stomach as he slowly peaked around the corner, letting out a shaky breath as he stared at the sight before him.

The Obscurial was surprisingly calm, seeping down from the ceiling like some type of thick, black liquid.

Newt suddenly turned to Penelope, staring at the woman with wide eyes. "I need you to transform, Penny," he said quietly, careful not to disturb the deadly beast near them.

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