xv. obliviated

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Once above ground, Newt, Tina, and Penelope were reunited with Queenie and Jacob, who both looked absolutely relieved to see them alive. Jacob held onto Newt's suitcase tightly, a crooked smile on his lips as he approached his friend.

"I figured somebody ought to keep an eye on this thing," the No-Maj joked, handing the magical suitcase to Newt.

Newt stared at it for a moment before taking it, looking up at Jacob and smiling. "Thank you."

"We owe you an apology, Mr. Scamander," Serephina Picquery said as she pushed past Kawolski, looking at Newt with a smile on her face. "And you too, Miss Finch, for depriving you of the magical education you obviously deserve."

Penelope couldn't help but smile at the woman's words, for once feeling something other than anger towards the President.

"But the Magical Community is exposed," Picquery continued as she looked at the gigantic hole in the ground before them. "We cannot obliviate an entire city..."

"Actually," Newt murmured, looking to the ground as he spoke. "I think we can."

He placed his suitcase on the ground in front of him, opening it and stepping back. He turned to the President of MACUSA. "If you excuse me, I may be a moment," he said politely, though Picquery only nodded. Newt then looked towards Penelope expectedly. "I may need your help in here, Penny. I need you to come with me."

Penelope was confused, though she didn't argue as she followed Newt into the magically expanding suitcase. "What are you up to?" she asked him as they stepped out of the familiar wooden building and into the magical paradise.

"Frank," Newt told her simply without looking back; there was a hint of sadness in his voice, and Penelope knew he wasn't looking forward to letting one of his creatures free. She followed closely behind Newt as he approached the Thunderbird, his face immediately lighting up at the sight of the magnificent golden beast.

The Thunderbird landed on the rocks in front of Newt, folding its numerous wings against its silky body. Newt reached up and stroked the beast's beak, causing its yellow eyes to close slightly.

Minutes later, Penelope followed Newt as he approached the wooden building that served as the entrance once more. Once inside, Newt grabbed a black trench coat that hung on a single chair in the corner of the room. Holding it up, he turned to Penelope.

"Piquery is more than likely gonna have Mr. Kawolski obliviated with the rest of the muggles," he explained, a glint of sadness appearing in his blue eyes. "If that's the case, I want to give him some memory of this world."

As he spoke, he walked over to the messy table on the far side of the building, rummaging through the mess of papers on the surface. Penelope walked towards him, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion of what he was doing. Newt then picked up a stack of picture with various sketches of magical beasts on it. Glancing towards Penelope, he quickly folded the paper up, not bothering to make it neat, and stuffed it into the pocket of Kawolski's jacket.

Newt scrunched his nose as if he were trying to contain his emotions, turning towards Penelope and forcing a smile as he looked at the woman. "Right, I think it's time we do what we have to do."


Out of the suitcase, Tina, Jacob, Queenie, and MACUSA were patiently waiting for the pair as they reappeared into reality. Newt pursed his lips as he stepped out of his suitcase, helping Penelope out afterwards. The pair took a step backwards just as Frank the Thunderbird exploded from the case, rising into the air with a loud call.

Turning around, Penelope saw her friends staring at the bird in awe; MACUSA, however, seemed horrified. The beautiful golden beast landed on the ground in front of Newt, cooing as if greeting the man who had taken it in. Picquery stepped up beside Newt, looking at the Brit with a confused expression.

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