Death Will Always Follow

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Chapter 8- Death Will Always Follow

As I approached closer to Calley's scent of cherries and white roses, I came to a little clearing in the center of the woods. I surveyed my surroundings in search of her but she was no where to be seen. Just as I had reach the spot that was overpowering, I expected to see her huddled behind a tree crying — needing comfort, but I didn't see anyone. Inhaling deeply, I closed my eyes and opened the psychic link between her and I. She wasn't here. She had doubled back through the woods and into the village. I let out a sigh, worry creasing between my brows. I reopened my eyes and flashed out of the woodland kicking up dust and leaves the faster I ran. I left nothing but a dusty trail in my wake.

As I reached the village I stopped dead in my tracks. The ground was once again littered with bodies, fresh blood pooled on dirt like salt sinking in water, soaking into the earth. My eyes widened in horror, my brows pinched together and my lips pressed into a thin line as I tried to piece together what happened here. The guilt began to eat me up inside again. I am responsible for their deaths. I turned my sister into what I am and now she's lost control of the hunger... I'm reaping what I've sown.

That's when everything hit me all at once like a tidal wave crashing through a city, destroying what once stood tall and strong into nothing but rubble. The smell of the fresh blood hit me hard, so fast that I couldn't contain the hunger I was feeling in the pit of my stomach. I could feel my eyes change, everything seemed to slow down and pulsate with an energy I've never quite felt before. The blood pulsated this crimson glow, the bodies didn't have any aura around them whatsoever. The nature that surrounded me flowed and almost sparkled with life. 

"You live on the essence of others. This, what you see now, will keep you strong in mind. You need to pull the energy into you like the wind as it flows through the trees. Do it, Caen. You need this, we need this."

I felt this overwhelming urge inside me, telling me to close my eyes and focus. I did. I closed my eyes, let my arms fall to my sides and I exhaled a steady breath. My hands slowly began to raise at my sides until they were stretched out. My hands began to tingle, a feel of calm and peace came over me as my body began to warm as if I were in the light of the sun. Opening my eyes, I saw my skin pulsating red just like when I was in the cave, and almost as soon as it came, the warmth left me and I felt colder than I did before.

"You need blood. Do not deny yourself."

I will not kill another human being, and no amount of blood that's spilled before me will change my mind. I was breathing hard, panting as I fought against the hunger. Grounding my teeth together and tightly balling my fists up, I took a deep breath and slowly released it. Over and over, I repeated the process until I knew I could stand to be around the scent of blood. The longer I fight the hunger, the stronger the pull will be. What happens if I lose control?



From afar I watched as the entire village surrounded Caen yelling awful things, accusing him of my wrong doing. I couldn't help it. I felt this ravenous hunger growing inside of me and the more I tried to fight it, the stronger it became... until it exploded inside of me like oils on a fire. My veins burned with want — no... need, a desire, a thirst I couldn't comprehend until I yanked the young woman to my mouth and gave into the screaming hunger. I hated that I ended her life, truly, no one felt more remorse than I did. But I was thirsty and her blue vein throbbed and leapt off her neck calling to me like a siren... A siren call that could not be denied. 

When they tied the noose around Caen's neck and strung him up like some sadistic ritual sacrifice, I grew angry. Fire glowed behind my eyes as the anger raged inside of me. I would make them all pay. They want to judge and hang an innocent man, well, I'll show them what suffering really feels like. I could still taste the sweet taste of the young woman's blood on my tongue, silky, velvet, like honey and milk. The more my anger grew, the more the hunger began to build once more.

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