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Genji's POV
My lungs ached with pain, each breath a struggle. A white light blinded me. All I could hear was a faint ringing but I did not have enough energy to stay conscious.

"He's only going to be a liability why should you save him. He will just be a waste of our resources."

"Every one should get at least one chance and this will be his chance."

I jolted up right, my eyes traced the room, from their results I was in a hospital although hospital's usually had more than one bed for the patients to stay. My hands threw the sheets that I had been resting under away but a second glimpse at my hand and I saw metal. I was covered in it my legs, my feet even my head was metal. I stopped in shock. The mirror that revealed my metallic body fell victim of my fist shattering it. I looked to the ground where pieces of the now broken mirror lay.
"You know the mirror did nothing wrong." Chucked a Swiss accent.
My head flinched over to the source of the sound.
"Sorry. I did not mean to scare you." She said. I looked at her, she was a beautiful blonde woman, she wore her hair in a pony tail but with fringe left at the side of her head. She had bright blue eyes which could see through your soul and a thoughtful smile to top it all off. She wore a lab coat with some sort of badge (a grey circle but with an orange marking at the top.)
"I'm sure you have all sorts of questions but let's start with the basics, my name is Angela Ziegler I am also known as mercy. Now i'm not sure you remember this, you were bit high on literally all the pain killer's we had but overwatch offered you a deal about-"
"Yes I do remember now." I said. Those words were hard to say because my throat had gone dry from it not being used in at least a day.
"Well I did what I could with your body but I had to fill in with cybernetics quite a bit, but i'm guessing you have all ready figured that out." She looked disappointed in what she said like it wasn't good enough.
"You look sorry" I said in a confused tone
"I am sorry Its j-just I wish I could of done more." I stood up and looked at her. "You saved my life and for that I am forever grateful and thankful if anyone should be sorry it should be me, for putting you through so much stress." I said reassuringly. She looked me in the eyes (or visor)
"I think your worth the amount of stress I put in."

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