The misson

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Genji POV

The room fell silent as soon as I walked in. Mercy
speared me a glance."Glad to see you came we were just discussing a mission we think you would like." Jack Morrison said to me.
"Well I owe you my life so it would be a bit disrespectful to decline it." I said.
"What do you know about the Shamada clan. Angela tells me it was some one from this clan that almost killed you." Jack Morrison said. I looked at Angela then back at Jack. "It was my brother that tried to kill me. He was part of the Shamada clan and so was I, just I did not agree with their methods. So my farther sent my brother to kill me and he almost did but luckily Overwatch found me and so did doctor Ziegler." I felt like a huge wight had been taken off my shoulders after saying that. The hole room was staring at me after I told the story.
"You never told me it was your brother that err did that to you." Angela said looking shocked.
"I'm sorry I should of but I felt embarrassed enough when I had to describe to you how I almost died." I replied.
"About the mission, if your still interested?" Jack said impatiently.
"Of course" I said without hesitation.
"Your mission will be to take down the Shamada clan." Jack said simply.
"Fine." I replied I had all ready had my thoughts on killing every last one of them now I have an excuse to.
"If we can, we might to be able to get you to Hannamura by Friday. That leaves you two days to get ready." Jack informed me.
"Will I be on my own?" I asked
"You will be given the briefing tomorrow." Jack answered.
"Now on to other maters" Jack ran through the slide show he had prepared. I blanked out only a couple of things my brain registered something about blackwatch and some thing about another new agent who was joining blackwatch. For some reason this agent looked like a cowboy (if cowboys had augmented arms).

Lena said my room was at the south side of the base which remained me I didn't even know where I was. So I made my way to the top of the base by climbing ten flights of stairs. When I got to the roof I saw someone was already there and I was in Switzerland. What confused me even more was that he was floating and floating balls orbited him. I confronted the figure and saw he was an omnic.
"Hello Genji" It said.
"How do you know-"
"Lucky guess. Hmm your mind is very conflicted but I can't blame you I would be if my brother killed me." It said sarcastically
"You don't know me you don't know my hardships you don't even have a brother!" I lashed out.
"We are all brothers in the iris." He said calmly as if I and not of just shouted at him.
"What do you want you pile of scrap!" I insulted him.
"Technically I do not want any thing because I am a robot but actually I do want some thing I want you to not kill every one in the Shamada clan what I want is you to come with me to Nepal." The machine said.
"Heh that is funny. So what you want is for me to drop every thing including the people that saved my life so I can go on some stupid fucking pilgrimage. Yea that sounds like a great plan I'll let you know when I've gone completely insane then I'll go on the stupid pilgrimage." I said remorselessly.
"I'll hold you to it." The machine said.

I returned to my room where I lay on my bed the room was rather posh it had a high tec computer and all the essentials like a bath/shower and a microwave. I took my visor off and looked at my bare face in the mirror and could not stand the sight of it so put it back on that gave me another reason to hate every one in the Shamada clan.

By the way you might want to know why genji was so harsh in this story well its because he had not accepted him self yet he just saw himself as a weapon so why not act like one.

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