When you meet

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                      Ticci toby
I was walking back from the store when I heard a scream now I know not to check it out but I was curious. So me being the curious cat I am went to see.What I saw was horrible a man with hachets and mouth gourd with goggles chopping off a man who looked like a perverts head ."I-I can explain I saw this dude trying to rape a woman the" boy said "okay then well  bye" I said "wait don't go I want us to hang out some time...bye the way the names toby "he said and left "okay..."

Eyeless Jack.   EJ

You where at the library  late at night reading on the human anatomy when a man came in and said "hey can I get that book when your done? " he asked "sure come here tomorrow at 3 to get it" you stated " ok bye the way names jack" he said "ok my names (Y/N)"you said and he left .

Doctor. Smiley

I was walking when I had tripped and heard a sickening Crack so I new I broke my ankle. then I saw a man walking twords me "let me help you miss I'm a doctor and the names smiley" he said. Smiley picked me up and left to a clinic he took me in and put on a cast "well here's my number so call me if you get hurt"

Jeff the killer

You were in an ally because your bully thought it would be fun to hurt you so after she was done you had 10 bruises and two hand prints on your face.As you limped home you bumped into a dude "sorry" you said while the man just said "watch were your going brat"he said and it looked like he realised the bruises on your body "sorry I didn't see you where hurt" he said panicking "names jeff by the way make it home safe I'll see you soon then he just left. (I know it suckes don't judge me this was a little difficult for me ok😯😧).

Laughing jack

I was walking to a abandoned Carnival because I was dared to. As I was walking I heard my favorite song as a child 'pop goes the weasle. As I went closer I saw a monochrome clown that said "hi pudding pop I gotta go but visit more often bye" and he left leaving me speechless. (Sorry it was so short😢)

Bloody painter

Now on one very special night your boyfrie-ex cheated on you, and it began to rain. So as you were walking home soaking wet it started to thunder so you decided to look for shelter but only found a abandoned hospital. So you went in and as you were walking into a room found a man in a lab coat. He turned and said "hello I'll operate on you soon enough sweety" and left.


You were sitting in your room but you see a golden string "I wonder?" You trail off and pull it "hey!"someone shouted . "Aaaaahhh" you screamed jumping a little. "It's rude to pull on some ones strings"the figure say as they come out you see its a he "s-sorry" you stutterd "it's alright what's your name? I'm puppeter" puppeter asked "(Y/N)....." you say "well I have to go bye"he said "bye"you said but was to late as he already left

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