First Date

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Your pov

I was relaxing on my couch cuddled up to Toby. He looked at me " Hey, (Y/N)?" He asked me "Yeah?" I responded "let's go to bowling alley" he suggested and I nodded "yeah, let me just change first" I went to my room and changed into a pair of pants and a blue shirt. I came back to see Toby waiting for me by the door "Let's go" I say and walk out the door, Toby following behind me.


Me and Toby got the the bowling alley and got our shoes on. Once we set up our section I went first, I got a strike on my first play. When Toby when he got a split and wasn't able to hit either pin. We continued to play for a while


We headed home and we were both a bit tired. Once we entered my house Toby gave me a kiss goodbye and I spent the rest of the night watching youtube.


Your pov

Me and Jack had decided to go to the café. I ordered (whatever you want) and Jack ordered a black coffee. Me and Jack chatted for a few hours about the human body and other stuff. After we chit chatted we headed home, Jack stayed over at my place for the night and we slept together peacefully

Dr. Smiley

Your pov

Me and smiley wanted to head somewhere nice and tranquil we decided to go to the park. We sat on a bench and looked at the trees in the wind "It really is beautiful, isn't it?" He asked me "Yeah, the trees look beautiful" I respond looking at the trees. He looked at me "I wasn't talking about the trees" after he said that I blushed darkly and looked down, we headed home once it started getting dark

Jeff the Killer

Your pov

Jeff was crashing at my house, and eventually I got sick of it "get your lazy ass off my couch and do something preductive" I huffed and he got up and picked me up bridal style "Fine we're going to the ice cream shop" he sighed and went out. Once we got to the ice cream shop he sat me down and order me a (F/Icecream) and he got a vanilla. He handed me my ice cream as he ate his. He got someone his nose and I wiped it off giggling, his face turned red in frustration.

Laughing Jack

Your pov

Me and Jack went to his Carnevale as a date. We first went on the tea cups and we were laughing and giggling. We bought a lot of candy and played lots of games. I had a lot of fun and after we went to my house and made some candy ourselves. Jack made some chocolate and I made a lollipop. After we ate the candy Jack left and I went to bed.

Bloody painter

Your pov

Helen invited me to a paint group with a few people. We first had to try to replicate a few paintings. Helen was, of course able to replicate them all perfectly, I on the other hand had pretty similar to the paintings. After the session finished everyone wento home. Helen walked me home and left, Helen let me keep one of his paintings and I hung it up I'm my room after that I went to bed.


Puppeteer didn't really like to go out so, we waited until night to go into my back yard and had a mini picnic. Puppeteer looked at the stars as we both laid down next to each other. "I can see orion" I say pointing towards the sky. Puppeteer looks in the direction and smiled "your right." After we cleaned up the yard we went back inside and cuddled until I fell asleep and he left

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