Chapter 5

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3 days after bet.

"Mark's" Pov

I was minding my own business, walking through the park as I was smoking, looking for a girl or some dumb fan to take home to kill them... you know the usual. I was smoking as well hehe I didn't care if I ruined Mark's career heh he kept me trapped in that big stupid head of his for years so I'm going to enjoy myself while I still can. I was thinking of a way to capture her and kill that girl, Yt/n. I was thinking of ways to kill her without being spotted. I do have a few powers but it's complicated. So anyways I was walking, waiting for some stupid fan or girl to come over so I can kill them later which wasn't happening because it's fuckin cold and no one likes going outside in bloody cold weather gah.... I hated how it got so cold so quickly. I spotted that girl, Yt/n, she changed her hair a bit. Her hair (pick any type of hair style) she looked kinda cute in a way. I smirked as I noticed it was my perfect opportunity to capture her. I walked over to her as she looks like she is distracted, she had her earbuds in meaning she is listening to music. I walked up behind her as she keeps looking down, I was close to grabbing her shoulder while reaching for my knife till I notice... that I forgot my fuckin knife! Fuck....
It was too late, I already touched her shoulder as she turned around and looked at me with a mixture of angry and a hint of fear in the mix. I put on my idiot face on "oh hey y/n" I said with a biiiiiig smile. Y/n doesn't say anything to me as she gives me a glare, aww how cute, she is trying to be scary heh. "I'm sorry if I startled you," I said, not really sorry. Y/n just rolls her eyes as she looks away "it's fine I guess" she said very quietly but loud enough for me to hear, hehe sassy little lady isn't she? Y/n started walking away as I blink and follow her, "hey y/n, what are you doing outside?" I asked her, looking at her. "Well I figure I would go outside and walk for a bit to clear my head a bit, I figure no idiots will be outside due to cold weather," she said, looking down still "hehe well I see no idiots around," I said with a friendly cheer, "um... yeah... no idiots" she said sarcastically, I roll my eyes as we walked together. "Soo y/n, I was wondering if you would like to come to my house so we can chat and watch scary movies?" I asked her. "Um. I'm not sure really" she said, looking away "c'mon it will be fun," I said. "Maybe next time... I got to go somewhere in a while," she said, I growled quietly enough so she can't hear me. "Well ok, I guess I'll go, maybe next week," I asked her with a shrug. "I'll think about it...." she said which meaning is no. I sighed as I scratched back of my head "fine, well bye y/n" I said, turning around to walk away. Y/n mumbled a bye before walking away, I look back to see her walking away, I sighed as I look back at the the direction. I heard what sounds like tires screeching then I turn around to see the car swirling and hitting a few other cars before making it's way to   y/n as she didn't notice as she was still listening to her music.

Everything went black for a couple of seconds before I open my eyes to look around, I turn to see the car hit the wall where y/n was but... where is she? I looked around then I notice that I had my arms wrap around something then I looked down to see y/n, she looked up at me. she looked surprised. Y/n stared at me then her expression turns into angry "what th-?!" she stopped as she looked behind me as she sees the car behind me. She looked at it for a few movements as I let go of her then she looked back at me and moves her hair out of her faces. She gives me a small smile as the closest to a real smile she has ever given to me. Y/n hugs me and I can hear her quietly said: "thank you". I was frozen like a deer standing in the headlights, staring down at her as I slowly wrap my arms around her. I got to say, having my arms around her little body feels nice, she feels so warm and so small. Y/n soon let go of me which I didn't want to yet, but I had to. I looked down at her as she looked up at me, she looked like a little doll. I never saw her close up as she looked kinda cute, especially with those beautiful e/c eyes. The best part is she looks so natural, unlike most girls who wears makeup and had surgery on themselves but she is different. "Are you ok? You're not hurt, right?" I asked, y/n nods "I'm perfectly fine" she said. Y/n stands on her toes and gives me a quick kiss on my cheek which made me flinch "maybe you are not a complete idiot" she said before backing up a bit. "Well, I guess I'll see you next week, bye, " she said, waving before turning around. I grabbed her hand "wait" I said as she turned around and looked at me. "What if-" I was in my original voice then I cough "sorry I have a bit of a cold" I adjusted my voice to sound like Mark's voice. "Anyways I was wondering if I could... walk you home?" I said, scratching back of my head. Y/n smiled before nodding "sure" she said. I smile as I let go of her hand. We both started walking together.

While walking, I was too distracted of thinking. Why did I save her? Why? As if it was instincts... I looked over at her, she looked so pretty.... I couldn't be falling for her.... Maybe I'm falling for her body I mean... she does have a nice one, that nice curve body, and lovely h/l (hair length) e/c hair. Yeah, that's it. She also feels nice... I might keep her around longer and keep her as my little plaything.......... Crap I just remember, if I don't kill her, Anti will take her away and do who knows what.... And I'll be cleaning body parts for 2 months... I'll have to think of something.. Because I really don't want to clean any body parts or bloodstains. I think while we walk to her place.

I was interrupted when I heard someone "hey Mark and y/n!" Y/f (your friend)" yelled. Great.. He's here...... god, I hated this guy "oh hey y/f!" I said in my stupid voice with my stupid face on. "Oh hello  y/f," y

said "hehe so are you two a thing? Hmmmmmmmmmm?" he nudged y/n with his arm as she giggles a bit "no we're not a thing," she said, crossing her arms. "Hehe ok then, " he said. "Heeeey, how about you two go hang together? Mark seems to be lonely and I can't hang with him right now" y/n said. Curse you... don't say yes "really? Can we Mark?" the moron asked me. "Um... sure, we can hang out," I said, thought of a clever plan. "Wow awesome!" he said. God, he acts like an 8-year-old kid but looks like he is 25 years old. "Hehe ok, well bye boys," y/n said, waved at us before walking away. "Bye y/n," the moron said. "Bye..." I waved back. I looked at y/f "c'mon, let's go to my place" I said in a friendly gesture. "Hehe this is going to be fun!" he said, jumping up and down like a little child. he and I started walking as I had a big smirk on my face.

Weeeeell sorry if seem boring and clingy, I kinda rush so anyways stay tuned  

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