Chapter 12

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(Might get a little dirty in this chapter XP)

Chapter 12

It's been what seems like a month you been here or at least that's how long you think you been here. Dark makes you wear this really cute black dress, it has a bow on the back, the dress only goes down to your knees but it came with these black and white stripe leggings which match your outfit along with this bow so you can tie it in your hair. There were spares in the dresser and closet in your room, which once a week you wash them but you never figure out how dark got the size right but you which not to figure out.... The dress is like a maid outfit which Dark likes seeing you in. Anyways Dark been torturing you since day one, you'll be cleaning and doing whatever he orders you to do. Which wasn't the worst part because dark isn't really a messy guy so the house is clean 90% of the time so that's good you guess. But dark sometimes orders you to eat, watch tv, or other stuff with him. You don't feel comfortable being close to him, even though 30% of the time, he doesn't try to touch you. When he does though, he always try to kiss, pins you down, and a few other stuff. It really bothers you. So the only way to stop him was to kneel him in the stomach or punch him in the face, hoping to get away before he could grab you. But doesn't always work. His punishments are the worst, he puts you in every horror game that Mark has ever played, making you almost shit yourself.... Almost! It's fine when it's in a video game... at least the creatures or whatever is in the game can't grab you and kill you... well, at least he hasn't put you in the Intruder, the one with the BUTT STABBER! Maaan, you wish you were back home, eating your pizza rolls while cuddling into your favorite jacket while doodling and seeing your wonderful fans, commenting on your fabulous artwork.... But you're a maid *coughs* slave! *coughs* to a..... Hot asshole demon thing..... Ok, you gotta admit... he does look hot....

So it was another quiet night. Darkiplier was watching tv while you were reading a book, both of your legs on the couch as you leaning against the couch's arm. Dark was watching a stupid comedy movie about some guys. You glance up from the book to look at the screen, even giving you a few quiet chuckles from watching the show, but you don't want Dark to know you were enjoying watching tv with him. A scene from the movie made you snort, loud enough for Dark to look over with a grin, you tried not to look at him as you go back to looking at your book, pretending to not enjoy the movie. You can feel Dark scooting closer to you, as he did, you tried to scoot as far as possible from him but you couldn't though. You can feel Dark's cold fingers, glazing against your ankles and slowly raise higher. You shivered and shifted your legs, letting your feet touch the carpet floor. You tried with all your willpower to ignore Dark but you can feel the couch shifting as Dark get closer and closer to you till you barely had room. You were  bewteen a couch's arm and Darkiplier. You could feel Dark's muscled arm wrapped around your figure, making you pull toward him which closing any space between you two. You can feel yourself shaking a bit and holding your breath as if a robber was in your house and you were trying to be quiet as possible while hiding. His cold body press against yours weren't helping with the shaking because he is fuCKIN COLD. God, you swear he is from the frozen part of hell. You can feel him playing with your hair, your hair gets tangled in his fingers. His fingers slowly moved toward to your chin, he grabs a hold of your chin gently and forced you to face him. Your eyes were looking away from him but you can sense his smirk is on his face..... It's like your 6th sense that you can tell what dumb expression he had on his face without looking... probably because most of the faces he makes piss you off! And he knows you hated it. Dark forcibly pinned you down on the couch quickly, not giving you time to properly react which due to reflex, your body shifted in a laying position as Dark was hovering over you, pinning your wrist above your head. You stared at him, not sure if you should go ahead and give in or keep refusing to let dark use your body for his nasty desires. When Dark starts to lean in, you just look away and closing your eyes. Dark kisses your cheek then he moves down to your jawline then to your neck. You do gotta admit, it does feel good, making your toes curl and makes you squirm a bit under him. Dark notices that, you can feel his lips curl into a grin against your neck then he continues kissing your neck, making squirm more. God, he's fuckin good at teasing the hell out of you. Dark stops, making you look up at him as you can feel your face hot, probably crazy red from blushing. You see him makes a devilish grin as he stares down at you "Heh maybe you're not as strong as I thought you were." then he slowly leans down to your ear "all you gotta do is say it and I'll be glad to do it" he whispered into your ear. Oh heeeeell no, you're not letting him have the satisfaction victory. So once he moved back to look at your face, expecting an answer like "please master~" or something like that but nope! You spit in his face. Which he was NOT expecting that one, in fact, it made him let go of your wrist and moved back more as spit was all over his face. Instead of running like you should! You laugh and smile in satisfaction due to Dark's reaction, it was priceless! His eyes were widened a bit as if he was a cat, trying to figure out what the hell just happen. Once he snaps back, he looked down at you angrily as you continuing laughing, tears forming at corners of your eyes. He grabbed your shoulders roughly, kinda hurting you, which makes you stop laughing and realize you're in a shitload of trouble. You stared into his black eyes, now once again, shaking out of fear. "Ok. I am getting sick of this shit. So we're going to have fun whenever you like or not" Dark got up, dragging you off of the couch and dragging you to your room.

This reminds you of that the first day when Dark branded you. Dark kick the door open as you begged him but nothing was working. He throws you onto your bed, before you could even attempt to try and get up, Dark tackled on to you, pinning you down. Well seems like today is the day you lost your virginity.... Well, at least it was with a hot demon guy and not like a 40-year-old ugly man or something worse.... Even when you're about to be raped, the little voice in your head still has a sense of humor. You struggle all you could to get him off of you but nothing was working, all you can do is just lay there and maybe he would go easy on you if you act good? Dark had a wicked smile on his face as he looked down at you... you have him smile and grin but this smile was different as you never seen him smile like that and it was making you more scared. "D-dark, please! Don't do this! I'll be good!" you pleaded "well maybe you should have been a good little girl and behave" He leans down to your neck, starting kissing as he knows that is your weak spot, making you squirm and curl your toes, biting your lip down. Dark suddenly bit down at your neck, making you yelped. Dark started sucking and biting that spot, forming a hickey there as you twist and squirm more, Feeling your face becoming hot probably from blushing. Dark sits up, looking down at your red face as he keeps that wicked smile on his face "now are you going to be a good little girl?". Fuckin hell, why are these so hard? It feels sooo good but like you said before, you're not going to be used for Darkiplier's pleasures "n-no. Never for you and I-I'm not going to be used for your dirty desires!" you yelled at him. Dark growls "last chance," he said. "Never!" you yelled at him. Dark growled as he tries to pull your clothes off, you struggled with all your strength. Once he was done, he stared at your body, the only things you were wearing are your e/c bra and e/c panties. You were looking away from him, you can sense him looking down at your body. You peek at him to see him staring down at your body like as if your body belongs to a goddess. You can see him touching your side, making you flinch from his cold hands as you shivered. He rubs your sides then down to your hips "so beautiful.... But yet so fragile" he said. "J-just go ahead do whatever you want to my body for your dirty desires, you dirty pervert.... Isn't that why you wanted me for exchange for Mark's life?..." you said in a low tone. Dark looked at your face as you were looking away, close to crying as there were tears forming at the corners of your eyes. You were expecting him to tease you more or to rip the remaining clothing off of your body but to your surprise, Dark let go of your wrist. Your eyes widen in surprise as you stared at Dark, his face showing a mixture of regret, guilt, and shame with a hint of hurt. Dark gets off of your body and leaves your room, leaving you there cold, naked, and confusion, thinking "what the hell just happen?"

(Darkiplier x Reader) When a Black Cat Crosses Your Path (possibly lemon)Where stories live. Discover now