The Big Day

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I got up early this morning to make sure that everything was in place. Everyone was seated on the beach as i walked Nicki to her seat she cursed...

"haven't this bitch heard of a church, its so cold out here" she sat down next to Bri kissing her on her cheek

Jacob and the boys where standing at the alter, i looked at him not for a full minut and he caught my stare, i broke the stare and walk off to see if the bride was ready

i have been ignoring Jacob all week after we kissed,  I just couldnt let my feelings get in the way of my job

" where is the bride" i asked putting on a fake smile walking into the little tent the made for the bride

"she is right here" her mom smiled

"its time" i looked at her ... This should be mine, the wedding, the groom, the support.. all MINE. i walked off so i wouldnt cry...

i stood by the curtain holding one side and angel holding the other side so Brook and her father could walk in...

"Here comes the bride dressed all in light

Radiant and lovely she shines in his sight

Gently she glides graceful as a dove

Meeting her bridegroom her eyes full of love.

Love have they waited long have they planned

Life goes before them opening her hand." her father took her to Jacob they turned around facing the pastor 

she didnt want a flower girl, she believed that flower girls always steals the spot light and she aint about to let any lil' girl steal her spot light

"We are gathered here today, in the sight of GOD, And in the face of family and friends, to join together Brook  Jones and Jacob Perez in holy matrimony; Which is an honorable estate, Instituted of GOD, since the first man and the first woman walked on the earth. Therefore, it is not to be entered into unadvisedly,or lightly, But reverently and soberly. Into this Holy Estate,these two persons present come now to be joined. If any one can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now, or forever hold their peace." he spoke then the it got quiet 


"wait" i heard jacob sighed

"i cant"

"you cant what" brooklyn looked at him pissed as ever

I mean if it was me I would be pissed too...

"i cant get married to you without telling you that, i am quiting Mindless Behavior, and I am not taking any money from them so we can work together an dbuild our family" he looked at her

"WHAT!!!!!, hell to the fxxking no, how the fxxk am i to shop, have you lost your fxxking mind!!!" she screamed at him

"Fine!! i never wanted to get married to you, keep the ring plus i liek someone else" he smiled at me

everyone followed his gaze and looked at me

"i know it, from the night you called me Mia, i knew you were fxxking with that bitch" she cscreamed walking off

"i know this hoe didnt" angel screamed and run after her, she grabbed her and they started to fight, i turned to go part the fight but i felt someone hold my hand and turn me around 

"Jac-" he cut me off with a kiss

"Marry Me"

"huh, are you serious"

"yeah, Marry Me, i will get on my knees if I-" i grabbed him by his neck, cutting him off I kiss him 

"Yes!" i smiled 

Helping My Crush Get MARRIED... (Short Story) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now